Black Step

Liam was lost in deep thought, he took deep slow breaths, Lorna's words ringing in his head.

"I'm leaving the agency"

He sighs, closing his eyes.


Few Minutes Earlier

"I'm leaving the agency," Lorna said with a shaky breath.

Liam froze with widened eyes facing her.

"Lorna," he began.

"You don't have to do this".

"I have to Liam, not just because of my relationship with you... I'm going against every code I was taught as an agent, I'm siding with you, I'm a ghoul tracker, I have a ghoul for a neighbor, and what do I do about it? nothing, because either they are children or a harmless pregnant woman... God Liam, I don't know what to do, I don't know what I believe in anymore" she said, her voice breaking, tears streaming down her cheeks hotly.

"I can't help but question my agency, I mean why do we even hunt ghouls when not all are bad, and my family was killed by those same ghouls I pity now," she said in distaste.