Black Murder

*Camera Flashes*






The apartment was swamped with agents investigating the crime scene.

Peter squats in front of Natasha's body wearing a white hand glove, he assesses the body tilting his head to the side, a hand checking the claw marks on her neck slashing her throat, his eyes sadden, he may not have known her much but she was an agent, one of them and she was brought down unjustly, the killer spared no move to make her get away, his actions present on her body showed the sign of him really kin on killing her no matter what, this was animalistic and raw like she was mauled to death, while she tried to get away.

With shaky hands, he closed her eyes, hoping she would at least have a peaceful sleep after such an unjust death. His eyes drift to her neck, further studying it, he notices a red thing line around her, he blinks puzzled.


He turns at the sound of his name.

"Find anything?" Jesse asked.