Black Healer

"Babe it's really you," he said in joy as the tears fell.

Lorna's lips went apart not knowing what to say, what struck her the most was the tears, he was crying, he seemed lost, but Iris said he has been calling her name but the realization struck her, he has been calling for Riley, not her.

She placed a hand on his cheeks, doing the only thing she thought was right at this moment, for his sake.

"Yes, it's Riley" Lorna mouths those words that made her heart sink, but made a smile form on Liam lips, she was doing it for him, she had no choice.

"It's Riley," she adds, forcing a smile.

"My Riley" Liam said, placing his forehead on hers, stroking her cheeks lovingly, with his thumb.

Tears filled Lorna's eyes as they wet her cheeks instantly.

"I have missed you so much" he said as a tear fell from one of his eye.

Lorna just nods sobbing, unable to contain the pain in her chest. She placed a hand on his chest.