Black Dawn

*Heart Beats Slowly*





*Solemn Silence*





*Loud Whispers Of Unknown Language*





*Continuous Thumping Heart Beat*





*Loud Scream*





*Loud Gunshot*

Straight to the head, as Liam's body dropped to the ground unconscious, all attention then drifted to a screaming Lorna, her scream ceased as she dropped to the ground also, eyes open.

Ghost growls turning to shadow retreating inside Liam's body.

"LORNA!" Chase shouts as he rushes to her side, holding her body steady, the corner of her eyes having black veins. Chase panics more.

"Lorna" he called her name hoping to get a response but nothing, her eyes shut close.

Chase faced the rest.

"Quick call the ambulance!"


Outskirts Of The City

The Silver-lining Manor

*Loud Alarm Siren*