Black Storm [1]

Section Thirteen

Steel Prison

Liam's cell doors slide open, revealing Big Guy.

"Well you don't look so good" His deep voice held humor.

Liam forced his body up with a growl.

"Well, I see why you were so shaken up when the Warden stepped in," Liam said slowly walking out of his cell.

"You have been there before haven't you" he adds certain.

Big guy just shrugged.

"Everyone gets torture now or then".

"It's dinner time, at least have one meal before you die tomorrow, I heard it's good for a decaying body" he adds in amusement.

Liam huffed at his words as they both walked to the cafeteria along with others stepping out of their cell.

"You don't look like someone that is about to die," Big guy said, raising an eyebrow.

"What look should I have?" Liam said, puzzled.

Big guy just gave a deep chuckle.

"Like pissing your pants I guess," he said in a deep chuckle.