Black Dejection

Rose slowly brought Riley's forehead to her lips, she obeyed not fighting, as she let her mom press her lips against her forehead as a sign of 'I Love You'

Then her hand slides off her cheek, her head turning the other way.

'My Riley, I will always love you my child' she thought as death took her.

Riley watched as her mom's head turned to the side, her eyes closing, her body instantly running cold, the hand against her cheeks dropping.

It was like her whole world ceased to exist.

"MOM!!!" Riley cried painfully, holding onto her lifeless body, she cried and sobbed like a child, why was death so cruel? After all these years she finally got to see her mom and now when she had the chance, she was gone, taken away from her. Her heart ached, a pain so hurtful, like she couldn't breathe, like all the air dried from her lungs.