Black Underground

Outskirts Of The City 

The Silver-lining Manor

Operating Hall

Kayla's eyes were fixed on the wide screen.

"Okay that's weird" She said watching the footage, it showed a view of the front of the agency before a black creature burst out of it, dashing out in speed, but she couldn't make it out the strange being out, until the footage turned static.

"Kayla check this out" Race said in a hurry rushing to her side, as he drew the info from his transparent iPad to the wide screen, the news played.

"Earlier today the agency was attacked by a random ghoul still unidentified, the chaos today got a lot of citizens questioning the event" the newscaster said.

"Something's up... I'm sure of it, I checked the earlier footage, it doesn't make any sense" Kayla said certain.

"My thoughts exactly because the break in came from inside the agency not outside" Race said.

"A ghoul from inside the agency" she said.
