Ryan O'Brien

"I'm a man of wild things... First thing you should know about me" he said as with a flick of his fingers the merged bullet came at them in speed before they could blink, like a speed for lightning.

Vincent knew that very moment their death was inevitable.

"MOM! DAD! LOOK OUT!" Genesis shouts jumping in front of them, taking the bullet in his chest in an instant, blood splashing.

"GENESIS" Riley screamed in horror holding him before he reach the ground, Liam did too, he held him tight apply pressure to his chest, Liam's hand trembled, now soak in blood, his furious eyes traveled to where Vincent was but he was gone, nowhere to be seen like he just vanished.

Genesis coughs blood gaining Liam's attention, he turns back to him.

"Genesis" Riley cried as she sobbed.

"The bullet" Liam said in a trembling voice.

"Is deep in his heart" Riley's teary eyes met his.

A tear slid down his cheek from one of his eyes.