Black Mark

"Seth, wait up..."


"Ugh... Will you slow the fuck down Seth Judson" Jade hissed on top of her lungs.

Seth growled facing her.

"What is it?!" He hissed.

"We are partners, we have to work together on this" she reasons.

"In case you haven't noticed, I don't do partners, I just stuck up with you because Vincent says so, and the only reason I'm listening to him, is because he's my one way ticket to killing the black ghoul" he said sternly as he turned to leave.

"He saved your life Seth," she said.

Making Seth halt his step.

"He saved both of us," she added as her eyes grew wistful.

She sighed heavily. "You don't remember me do you" she began with arms folded.

Gaining no response from him she continued. "10 years ago, USA secret research facility".

Seth's body tensed as his eyes widened at her words.

"Only it wasn't just a regular research facility," she said in a heavy breath.