Black Contract

"What happens when you say no" she demands an answer, she needed to know, she was worried for his sake. She knew the agency, after Barbra she knew they weren't what they seemed, they may be protecting them from ghouls but they weren't exactly pure themselves.

"I can say no Renee... If I don't wanna go back, it's all written there, so don't worry, I have served my term enough" he states.

"But do you?" She asked.

"Do you wanna go back to that place?!"

"Of course, not Renee I'm done, we are leaving this hellhole tomorrow" he assured her.

She sighed once more.

"You know... I had a feeling you didn't really wanna leave, that you were just doing it for us" she began, her voice a bit shaky.

"Renee," he said walking close to her and placing a hand on her shoulder, her teary eyes met his.

"If i don't make it to the plane you have to promise me one thing".

"No, No, No" she cried.