Black Rogue [2]

The door slid open, and Iris and Riley sauntered in.

"Nice of you to join us, sis," Rory said, smirking.

Iris just rolled her eyes, not ready to deal with her overbearing brother right now, who always seemed to want to catch her attention in a teasing or annoying way.

"Hey," Liam said turning to his wife, with a sweet smile, seeing her each time always seemed to brighten his day.

"Hey" She mustered up a smile back to him. "So have you guys thought of anything yet?" she asked, facing the widescreen on display.

"Yeah, we-" he paused for a minute as his nose caught something.

He turned to Riley once more, observing her, she was on a black oversized sweater, along with black shorts.

Riley caught his stare, feeling somewhat nervous but she shook it off. "What?" she shrugged.

"I smell blood, are you okay?" Liam asked worriedly and then a frown pressed his features.