Black Sins

Riley came into view, she paused seeing the thinking state he was in and her chest felt heavy seeing him like this, he looked lost and confused.

She cautiously approached him, seeing him with sad eyes.

"Hey" she began softly, seeing no answer from him, she swiftly took her seat beside him but Liam didn't acknowledge her presence, he has been like this for the past few days, avoiding her, not sparing her a glance not coming to bed, it broke her heart to see him this way.

"Liam" she began once more but still no answer. He didn't speak or flinch, she sighed as her gaze leveled and then back to him. "Sooner or later you are gonna have to talk to me... you can't avoid me forever" she said but then she wince in pain rubbing her throat, it still burned and hurt almost like Omari's claws were still there, the mark still present and it didn't seem to heal, not anytime soon, it felt like her air sometimes was restricted, Silver was trying her best to heal her up.