Black Craving

Liam trailed his hands to her thighs gently raising her silk nightgown off her body, leaving her body exposed to him.

He pulled away, taking off his shirt and then his pants in a swift action. Riley's eyes landed on his bare chest, how she missed her eyes trailing on it and her fingers exploring, she needed to do just that and feel him against her, feel their bodies pressed and so much more.

Liam could see the glint of lust in her beautiful eyes and he wanted just that, she was willing to give.

"Anubis told me something" Riley began as her eyes met his once more, his chocolate brown eyes were dark with lust, and hers wasn't too fast from his, it was swirling the unquenchable lust just getting ready to storm free and consume them both. She could already picture the wicked things he had in mind... but right now there was something more important. Something that could help.