Black Ghoul Pit (Part 4)

Hunter's smirk just broaden more.

"Trust me Ethan, I got this" she said.

"I got everything under control"

But she didn't, he knew Hunters next action.

"Oh you mean your bodyguards you left at the airport" Hunter cut in.

Riley turns to him, her eyes went wide in realization.

"Ha yes I figured you would resort to that, a mother's love is after all the most wonderful thing" he said in amusement.

"What did you do?!" She demands pissed.

His smirks broaden.

Riley's eyes beamed dangerously as she rise to her feet.

"Be careful my Queen, you can't singlehandly take down this mansion no matter how powerful you are, you're not the black ghoul" he said clearly.

Riley's fist clenched in a tight hold as her body boiled in rage.

"Young Ethan, your sweet sister time is ticking".