Chapter 2 edited

Chap 2

"So let me get this straight you're saying that I can go anywhere that I want, and I get wishes. Can you tell me how many I get because you never explained about them, is there a limit of what I can ask for?"

"Well, I guess it would make sense for me to explain how they will work. As long as the wishes do not come from a different world from the one of your choice then I will allow it, for example, if you go to marvel then you can't get the power of let's say like superman does this make sense to you, but you only get eight wishes?"

"Well if you put it like that I'll need to think for a little is that okay with you. I mean your God and I'm sure you have other things to do, am I right?"

"Well to be honest with you I'm so tired of work, so I pushed all of the paperwork and souls on to the angels. If you would like to understand I think I'm going to take a vacation and watch how you live your new life so I would say presently I'm not busy, and you can take all the time you need my friend."

"If possible could you please leave the room so that I can think without you reading my mind?"

"Sure I can leave the room just yell my name when you're ready. And also I haven't and wouldn't read your mind that'll take all the fun away anyways bye."

'After about two hours I finally have all my wishes ready.' "GOD I'M READY YOU CAN COME BACK!"

"So my young friend, where would you like to go, and what are your wishes?"

"Well, the world was a little hard to pick because I want drama and a little action. But I didn't wanna go somewhere I could die easily, so could I go to The Vampire Diaries but also add The Originals into it?"

"That can be done I'll just merge the two so you won't have to worry about anything."

"Oh that's a relief thank you now on to my wish.

"1st: I would like for the story to not be a parallel universe so something unexpected doesn't happen unless I do something to change that certain point is that doable?"

"Kid, are you forgetting who you're talking to? Of course, I can do it now for your next wish."

"2nd: I would like to keep all my memories, but also I want eidetic memory. Is that fine?"

"Well, technically that would be two wishes. But I'm a cool God, so sure you can have it please continue."

"3rd: I would like to get instant mastery of anything I do."

"Well, you got it."

"My 4th wish is magic won't work on me, as long as I don't want it to"

"Ok well, that one is a little tricky. I can make it where the magic will have a reduced effect on you. But if it has something to do with your spirit or bloodline-like genes, it won't work unless you allow it. Is that fine with you?"

"Well, it's not exactly what I wanted. but hey I'm not an idiot I'm not gonna argue with god. so yes this works for me."

" That's very smart of you. Because if you would have tried arguing with me, I would have taken all your wishes and sent you to hell."

"Whew, I'm glad I'm not dumb enough to argue with you. Anyways are you ready for my fifth wish?"

"Sure you can tell me and at the end, I have one last gift for you."

"Well for my 5th wish I wanna have the ability to physically attack spirits and ghosts."

"That can be done but you will have to hurt them more than regular to do any serious damage."

"For my sixth wish can you make it so, if I want to I can make someone a werewolf like in teen wolf.

"Of course just think about what you want to happen as you bite them."

"Well for my 7th and most important wish I would like to be the twin brother of Klaus. But I want it when I'm transformed into a vampire I will be like an upgraded original but I can control if it's one strain of venom or all seven in my bite. And unlike the others, the white oak stake can't kill me. I want it to where as long as the sun doesn't burn out I will not die unless I want to. Is that too much? I mean you've already given me so much."

"Well that sure is one big wish but in that universe, everything has a weakness. Like Elijah and the others have the white oak so as long as you are connected to the sun it should be alright. And the way your bite will work is you just have to think about which one you want. But you won't get any of your wishes like instant mastery and magic resistance, which also includes the other ones except for the eidetic memory because that one is connected to your memories. You will get them after you transform and also I will lift the curse Esther will try to put on you with Klaus. But keep it hidden until your mom dies, does that work or would you like to switch your wish?"

"I can live with that. So for my 8th and final wish, I want it to be when I transform I start with the power of a thousand-year-old vampire."

"Well, I was expecting that one I mean who wants to be weak when you don't have to. And since you are different, I'm going to add that when you turn a person into a vampire they will be twice as strong as one of the ones your siblings make, and your sire bond can never be broken."

"Wait hold up what do mean can never be broken, Marcel and Lucien broke it when they turned into upgrade originals are you saying that won't work if turned them?"

"Yes young man that is exactly what I'm saying. Also, it won't be where you can control what they do, but more along the lines if by some miracle you die they will too. And If you want them dead you just have to say in your head, sire bond kill then add the name and bam they will die. Is there anything else you would like to ask?"

Is there also any way I can take control of my body when I'm five? I kinda don't wanna relive being a baby."

" of course I understand that, and the gift I talked about is you can choose how your body looks."

" Well, that simple, if I'm going to be a vampire, so make me look like Luke Evans, from Dracula untold."

"Okay, then kid I'll be sending you off now don't forget I'll be watching."