Chapter 22

As Ivan decided that it was time to leave he started walking back towards his car. "Hey wolf, if you don't hurry up I'll leave you here."

As if scared, the other wolf started running toward him while saying, "I'm coming, I'm coming and I have a name you know."

Ivan hearing this decided to give his new addition a challenge. "Oh I didn't know you have a name, what is it dumbass? You know what, I don't care meet me at the airport in 15 minutes. If I get there and you're not ready, well let's just say I'll make you undergo suffering you couldn't even visualize."

After finishing his last word or as one would name a statement, Ivan used his vamp speed and left.

As Ivan arrived at the airport he spotted his newest member. "ah I'm glad you made it, it would seem you are at least competent. Now that I'm at least twenty percent sure I won't kill you. let me ask what your name is."

"My name is Oliver, but my friends call me Ollie. And you can call me Oliver."

As if hearing the funniest thing ever Ivan just starts laughing. "It would appear you don't comprehend your predicament. I can and will do anything I so desire. And no one will stop me from what I want if I call you Oliver or even little shit. That's your name until I say otherwise. Now get on the jet."

(Mystic Falls)

As Ivan arrives in town he heads toward Jeremy's house to make sure that his aunt Jenna is safe, because unlike the others in his family besides one he likes to keep his vows.

But as he arrived he noticed no one was there which means he's too late Klaus has already taken Jenna. "Fuck!!! I guess this can work also, I can just tell Jeremy that he won't have to be alone, that his aunt Jenna will be better as a vampire heck even safer.

As the night was coming closer everything was going as it should.

Damon Salvatore was trying to stop the ritual his way. By taking Klaus wolf and vampire but little did he know, Klaus was one step ahead of him not only did he have a second wolf. He also had made plans for a second vampire but as It turned out it wasn't just a random person off the street. No, it was much worse it was Elena's only living relative besides her brother it was her aunt, her aunt Jenna.

Sorry it was late been busy but like I said im writing for y'all