
What was that?!

"What was what? Ah, you mean the roar teacher? Don't worry about it, it happens from time to time. After a while, it goes away."

"Not to worry about it?! This hammer thinks whatever did this sound is both angry and powerful! We should worry about it for sure!"

[Yo, bear what is the thing that is making….]

"Listen well you lower life forms! I am the great and mighty Chegucrerth the destructor! Today is the day your puny forest will burn completely HAHAHAHA"

[Yo, that's definitely something right there! We should worry!]

"Ah, teacher is kind and is worried for us. Don't worry everything will be fine."

Who's worried for you?! I don't want to die! Not again! This life is just getting interesting! I need more time. I want more time.

"If no one comes and stops me this Dragon will reduce this forest to ashes haha!"

*Sound of a breath attack! (lots of fire and destruction)*

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH This is so fun!"

Wait, did he say motherfucking dragon?! Tell me this is a lie! Tell me this is a prank! That is not a newbie-friendly creature, at all! I rush outside and that's when I see it.

A colossal scaly body.

Gigantic elongated wings.

A long sinuous tail.

Crimson red.

Sturdy and razor-like claws.

Gaping maw.

Hot breath generating smoke.

Sharp teeth bigger than my body.

It is still far away, perched on some trees. Yet I can see it whole. It is that big. That and I'm in a clearing too. A real fucking dragon!

"Teacher, don't worry these things are nothing but oversized lizards, they always disappear after a while."

"Yo, dragons are scary creatures. One shouldn't underestimate them."

[Yeah, let's not...]

Add to that description an intense fiery gaze actually. This is bad! It is now looking this way! Oh no. Don't tell me it heard the bear's comment about it being a lizard?! Oh god no. This is horrible!


We all start running. Me and the hammer first, then the bear lagging behind. I see the dragon inhale deeply. Run for your lives! I use nature magic to go faster.

But then a few seconds afterward it throws death at us, a breath attack. One so wide there are no ways to avoid it. I try to defend with vines but it proves pointless. I would need more time to effectively defend.

We are doomed. This is the end. How risible that I didn't even manage to meet Yggdrasil in the real world. Such is fate at times, it laughs in the face of men's plans. This time fate comes in the shape of a legendary creature. One that is an omen of destruction. Goodbye world.

*Sigh* All I can see is the blaze.

"Don't worry teacher! This bear will not fail your test!"

The bear grabbed me and everything goes dark. What?! What is happening?

Then the earth moves and I can finally see. We are exiting an improvised burrow. Who knew his penchant for digging would end up saving our lives?! This is amazing!

The outside is a literal sea of fire. This is insane! The trees, the grass, every fucking thing! We avoided that somehow.

Usually, I'd be feeling weak a the knees. Good thing I've just come from a volcano itself. What is scary about this dragon is the ability to move around. That and how sharp it is.

Oh crap! It has already noticed that we survived. The bear grumbles.

"How annoying. If it wasn't flying we could just beat it up."


"Follow me, teacher! This bear has been training all this time!"

Is it time to display the results of his training?! Are we going to be fine? Right now he's my best bet at survival for sure. I'll have to rely on him.


Comes fast and powerful gusts of wind as the dragon lands in front of us.

"Hold me, tight partner! I'm scared!"

So am I hammer, so am I.

"You puny lifeforms think you can escape from me? How risible!"

"Ah, taste this bear's power!"

I can hear my companion mumble. What is he going to do? He slaps the ground. That's the last thing I see. I have no clue how, but a shitload of soil burst all over the place, all of it forms a weird mist of earth.

What kind of attack is that? I then feel myself getting dragged away. In the background, I hear the dragon coughing, visibly he has inhaled some soil. Would be hard for us, but he's so big that for him….

"How was it, teacher?"

[Fucking awesome! That's what it was! You literally made the dragon eat dirt!]


He is acting bashful and shy now, happy to be praised.

We keep dashing away. I'm not sure where we are going, but I believe in the bear. Yep, he's leading us toward Yggdrasil. A smart move for sure. Exactly where I want to be right now.

Good thing we aren't far from him. Time for the last stretch!


Comes the dragon again. We just need to somehow survive this attack. He dives toward us. Oh no! The bear slaps the earth again, sending up a cloud of dust.

"Trying to fool this dragon again?! This is useless! Now die!"

Oh crap! I can't see anything, but I can hear the dragon. He knows where we are. He will screw us up. Quick what should I...?


"Take that hahahahahaha."

…Except that we are still alive and well. As the cloud clears out I can see the dragon. Under his claws lies a destroyed boulder. OMG!

Don't tell me the bear used a dummy?! He knew the dragon would counter his technique., ¸ So he countered the counter! This is epic!

Are we going to actually survive this? Finally, we reach the immediate vicinity of the legendary tree. We'll be fine here, right? I really hope.

"So what if you guys survived a few attacks?! It is only delaying your inevitable death! Dragons will rule the world, not you guys! This forest is doomed! From now on, this is my playground to loot and eat! HAHAHAHAHA!"

He seems oddly happy. Well, good for him. Why am I not even mad at his outburst? From my position, I can see roots from Yggdrasil heading toward the dragon.

Countless of them.

Damn this is way more intense than the time with the bear.

He fucked up, didn't he?