Angel from the sky

People in the kingdom and many kings and queens are coming for this fest .So everybody in the kingdom wants to look gorgeous and every unmarried women are very anxious to this fest.

Because many royal people are also invited to this fest.So each unmarried girl wants to grab attention of prince.

The fest will held in the great"Mell bourne" palace.Its the most beautiful and big palace.

The palace four sides are surrounded by

water,and there is a huge garden in the entrance ,it is filled with huge collection of flowers and there is all types of flowers available in all colours.

The old lady settled every thing. She even designed a beautiful gown for melissa with shiny pearls that brought by her husband.

They both were very happy and melissa waiting for this day.

So the day has come, everybody's getting ready with their jwellery,and dresses for the fest. The prince invited each and every person of kingdom( low class ,high class)everybody. And the other princes and princesses from different kingdoms.

Every young lady is waiting to grab the prince attention but they didn't knew that the prince also waiting but not for them or not to see them but for her dream girl.

Then here,william arranged everything as planned for prince and the fake girl.He told that girl to create opportunities to flirt with prince. william also arranged the entry for that fake girl, he told her to wear beautiful pink dress.

As he said,she wore the same dress because william told the guards of top roof to allow only the prince and a pink dress beautiful girl.

People enters the palace, prince getting ready like never before because he doesn't show any interest about his appearance before.

But today is a special day for him.So, people with their families coming to palace. And melissa talking to her friend

" please be carefull,i will be here as soon as possible dont go anywhere"! Do you understand me? she asked.

Ahhh melissa, ahhh!dont get emotional, i will be okay here. laughing. also told to come back soon,because its her first time there in that much crowd.He also mentioned to be carefull if there's any problem then melissa can speak with by the help of tattoo.

He also warned about the anklet .The anklet is very important to every mermaid its the proof and protection to that mermaid.

That anklet is very important to melissa she always had it from her childhood.

"Okay !okay i got it."she replied ignoredly.

Then the old lady came suddenly to melissa. And asked whether she's ready or not for the fest.

She just told to ready quickly. Then melissa from her room, walking outside.The old lady once again got stucked and just starring at melissa.

"oh darling! you're looking gorgeous,, she complimented.

" Thankyou mother"melissa hugged.

And they were about to leave the place and melissa half turned back and said goodbye to and gave him a flying kiss.

They were started and on the way for palace. The old lady said so many things about the palace and people there, and she also showed melissa that how to behave there.

They just arrived. Melissa and old lady stopped and started to stare at the gates of palace as the gates are huge,they headed up with shock and stood out there like dolls.

When some children dashed them while playing outside.Then they got moved and starring at everything in the palace.

Melissa saw the garden full of flowers.She just stopped at there and smelling the aromatic scent of the flowers.

When she knelt there, the guard at that place, he was just keep starring at her and not even take his eye off from her.He just looking at her and thinking that may be

"she's the angel from the sky ,

By mistakely she entered in this world,,

she's the brightest light in the world,

Her smile is the beautiful light ,

Her face can glow in the dark night

like the moon."

A lady just entered in the path that he looking at her and imagining something about her.

The lady just told him to mind his own bussiness.And called melissa and that old lady, "Helo miss ,to which kingdom you are from" she asked.

The old lady "we were belong to this kingdom. we're just ordinary people" she said.

The lady just looking around melissa and touched her face with shock and turned her around to look her dress.

"you are something, you're dress! its beautifull" she mesmerised.

Melissa told her about the dress and its made and decorated by her mother.Then the lady just took both of them to william.Because the lady is william's wife.

Her name is "Bethany". she was just crazy about beautifull dresses and costly jewellery. When melissa told her about the dress that made by the old lady,she wants to use that old lady's talent .

She asked william to permit them to stay with her at the palace.Then william grabbed bethany"s hand and went to their room.

William said bethany that they were strangers. But bethany somehow convienced william for their stay at the palace. But she did'nt ask them their permission.

So bethany just came to them, she grabbed old lady's hand and went to balcony.She asked the old lady to stay in the palace and make her some beautifull gowns and dresses for her, the old lady starts thinking.

Then bethany offered her money, the old lady just accepted it but asked permission for her daughter to stay with her. Bethany just arranged every thing.

While they were talking, melissa walk around to see the palace. The palace is full of decorations and her gown is decorated beautifully covered with net.

So the net cloth is teared a little bit.Melissa did'nt recognise it. she was just wondering how big and beautiful the palace is , and the floors are cleaned amd shinning like mirrors.

Everybody who saw her just fell in love with her beauty. Some of the young ladies are starting to jealous.Because she is beautifull with pretty dress and long thick hair, big beautiful eyes.

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