The painting scene

After the ball dance , everybody's very happy.But melissa she slept all night by thinking about her lost anklet.

After she slept at her mother's(old lady)lap.

The old lady also fell asleep. At the morning the old lady woke up earlier and went to bethany for a walk at garden.

Later, prince henry is on his way to garden He is passing by melissa's room. The sun light is coming slowly through her another window. And the sun light is hitting on her feet, also the light slowly taking on pace.

Looking Melissa's sleeping face in the sunlight, henry was just stopped there and looking at her face without blinking his eyes.

Then a whistle came from his back.

"I was wondering what is my brother looking at" prince asking from behind.

Henry rolling his eye and feeling tense.

"nothin",, nothing, henry said.

And turned around and also grabbed prince george with him to the garden.Because henry and george, they both were not good with eachother. So henry thinks that if he see melissa he will take her away from him.

So henry just pulled way from the window and took him to the garden.In the garden henry, george and william are discussing about some official issues.

Then william asked about the relation between him and the fake girl. Then george was just smiled and said nothing,and asked the name of that girl.

"haaha ha, ooh prince you are really a flirter. You danced with her without even knowing her name", william chuckled at prince george. William said that her name is "lisa".William thought that he's plan was working.

Then in the room melissa just waking up, at the same time the old lady entered. The old lady just hugged melissa and wished her good morning.

After that,old lady told her to shower and get ready for the break fast.Then she showered and went to dinning hall,and there is henry waiting for melissa. They ate together and chit chatted.

Henry took melissa with him to his room. He showed his painting talent to melissa, melissa praised him because his painting talent is amazing.

Henry now want to paint melissa, so he just make her sit in a beautiful position and started drawing her. Henry cracking jokes to make her laugh.

Melissa smiling like an angel and after he finished,he showed that to her.Melissa just wondered that henry actually gave soul to that painting.It seems like real.

Then melissa told that she have to go to her home and get her things here. Henry offered some help but she rejected it.

Then the old lady and melissa went to their home.The old man is sleeping at his dusty and damaged couch. So melissa and the old lady are packing their things.

Melissa came to her bed and sat infront of sadly.

Melissa how's your day ?Did you meet your prince at there? asked with anxiety.

Melissa crying!, "no i didnt meet my prince but i'd lost my anklet there" she told. with big shocking eyes and mouth opened, he also forgot to breathe.

A minute later, whattttttttttt? he just screamed and feared alot than melissa because if something happens to her, sea god will kill him.

Melissa told her not to worry and also explained about the kiss at the palace,and also told him about the offer of bethany she explained everything and told him not to worry.

Then the old lady told her husband to get ready to palace. He rejected to come but allowed them to go there and also told her to take good care of melissa. The old lady is frustrated and called melissa to pack her things ready.

Melissa and the old lady with returned to the palace. And their things are really heavy, then henry dashed melissa on purpose and he intentionally helped them with their things.

Then he also helped them to arrange their things in the room.Then henry ,melissa are talking and sharing about themselves.But melissa is just listening to him and thinking about his prince and worried about the anklet.

Prince recruited a spy for lisa and get information about her and with whom she's is talking .He wants to know why she is acting like this.

Here melissa and henry were happy to meet eachother. Then the wheather became cool and wind breezes are cold enough. The thunder and lightning sounds are very big. The sparkling is like some one taking photos from the sky. The evening is very beautifull.

Melissa told henry that she is going to her room.Then she walked to her room, Melissa love when it rains so she went to top roof and she loves to dance when its raining. She danced in the rain like a peacock.

Melissa just forget everything and forgot all her worries.And the prince george from the flower garden he saw melissa.But he didnt realise that the dancing beauty is his dream girl.So he just watching her and he cant blink his eyes or even roll on his eyes from there. She is dancing like a flash coming onto the earth .

Prince george even in that heavy rain he could not blink his eyes.But because of the rain her face little blur. So he want to go to the top roof .

He is on his way, running to her.prince george was just passing by henry's room, then because of the heavy rain the winds are much stronger so one of his paint from his room blewed out (becoz of strong wind).

Description: hi friends, sorry for my poor english. please do support me cuz im new writer.

THANK YOU,,,,,❤️