Jealous game

Melissa smelled by prince, and she likes it. But henry and lisa are not happy for that. Lisa reported everything about the special connection between melissa and prince george.

Melissa is so tired and sick, well rubina is still hurt. So they all just came out of the jungle to the ocean, they were very happy that they found the way out to jungle.

Prince george thanking to god about melissa that he found her, while walking henry is thinking about the safety of melissa and also he is insecure about melissa.

As they were running to the boat, the dwarf people saw them and they are chasing after them. All of them started running quick to the boat, but suddenly melissa stopped there she is hesitating to step into the water.

The boat is about few yards to reach, its very near in the water. But melissa stopped at there and looking at the water, she's feeling tense.

All of them were on the boat, every body is calling her name out especially prince george and henry, but melissa cant hear them she is keep staring at the water and feeling nervous to step into water.

Those little tiny morons are coming to them then prince george jumped out from the boat. He carried melissa and started running to the boat.

Melissa then came into her sense that she is now in hands of the great prince george who is charming, most attractive and intelligent. Melissa is looking at his face and smiling like she is flying in the sky with her beloved one.

Then they two safely entered the boat, and henry just melissa from his arms and he takes her to sleep well for some time.

Henry started his engine, melissa is sleeping. Rubina and lisa, prince george are very worried about melissa. Prince george went to melissa and seated next to her, he held her hand more than an hour.

Later on, henry is on his way to the kingdom so he wants to check melissa for once to know her condition. Henry is going to melissa's room.

"Henry's eyes lit up the flare" because he saw that prince george touched her and also he is holding melissa's hand while she is sleeping and looking at her.

He came to prince george so quickly and caught his collar so rudely and grabbed him silently out from the room without any sounds

"Dont ever dare to touch her again, you saved her i accept that but you have no right to touch her" henry warned.

"ha ha, so you do? Would you have any right on her? he asked.

"Maybe not now, but she is mine. So keep distance from her" henry said to him.

" Melissa is mine now" george smiled.

"What the f***k ?" henry and george had a small fight.

Lisa and rubina stopped them. And they were straightened their shirts and silently seated. But they're looking into each other so seriously.

Later on, sometime melissa awakened. She is coming out from her room with hand on her hand and feeling like head ache.

Then henry and prince george curiously went to her at the same time and gave her some water, now melissa understand some thing by observing their eyes.

She is looking at them one after another. Then rubina stopped both of them and she gave some water to melissa, later rubina and melissa privately talking about something.

"sister! what are you doing here?" melissa asked.

she bowed her head in shame.

"Its okay sister, tell me! how did you came here?".

"Its a long story sister, When im busy with my alloted work in the sea. Then two big black sharks came up with a news for me, they've said that they saw you with some humans.

So, i got scared and asked them for help they told me that you were here in this jungle. So i hurried to you" she explained.

"Oh! I love you sister" melissa hugged her.

Rubina is crying because she lied to her.

Then rubina asked her about prince.

Melissa pointed her finger and showed prince george to rubina.Henry and prince george looking at them but couldn't understanding what they are talking about.

They arrived to the palace, then the doctor was called by prince george to check up on melissa and rubina. The doctor checked them, he said that rubina was okay but melissa's condition is some critical because she lost more blood so she need rest , the doctor told prince george to take care of her.

And melissa's is sleeping in her room then prince george brought some fruits and at the same time prince george heard some noise coming that is the old lady crying her eyes out .

She's crying loudly and very much worried about melissa, then prince george explained every thing about the boat trip and incidents and he also told her not to worry.

Prince george consoled the old lady. The old lady told prince george about melissa that she had crush on prince george.

"Really mam?"he asked.

"yes, Melissa likes you so much" the oldlady said.

"Prince george eyes got widened, his face was happy".

"But she is with henry, right? How do you know him"? he asked.

"ah yes! we're so lucky prince,once we came to your palace on your invitation, misses bethany helped me to stay her for a while and also offered me a great choice" she explained him.

Prince george was very happy and glad. He just went out from with a smile on his face. The old lady understood that prince also interested in melissa. The old lady is cutting some fruits for melissa, melissa opened her eyes.


" ooh! darling, i missed you so much im so sorry, i shouldn't let you go with them and this wont happens" old lady is crying.

"please mother! im sorry, but see now im here happy " melissa sleeping the old lady's lap.

Now melissa and old lady are very happy but still melissa is weak and sick and rubina entered the room, she introduced rubina to old lady.

" mother, she is my sister! sister she is our mother! ".

"awww you brought me another daughter" she grabbed both of them and hugged them.

Rubina was so happy and she now able to understand humans feelings.

Description : hi guys, please do support me.

THANK YOU,,,,,,,❤️.