
William will care nobody even prince george, he cares for nobody when it cames to his power and position. So, william is waiting for a good opportunity to separate melissa and george.

Lisa is a bit freaked out, but she wants prince george because if she marries him then she'll be in position "queen"to the kingdom. So, she wants to risk for the position.

As the morning raises, melissa and rubina went to flower garden to collect some flowers and they were chit chatting. By watching their smily beautiful faces from the top, lisa was unhappy and her inside is bursts with anger.

So, to make them unhappy, Lisa went to the garden and melissa, rubina are handful of flowers in a basket and laughing seems so happy sitting at the bench.

Lisa came to show off infront of them, while they are talking.

"Helo, Im your queen, you both get up and serve me" she commanded them rudely.

They didn't get it.

"Dont you respect your queen"? she questioned.

Then rubina gets mad at her and stand up infront of her, but melissa stops her by pulling her hand back .

Then rubina calms down, but lisa noticed her rude behaviour and commands her to get some fresh orange juice.

Melissa also stands up from her seat and afraid that rubina is short tempered so she will do something to lisa.

Then melissa bowed infront of her and says sorry for rubina's behaviour.

Then lisa ordered rubina to bring juice.

Rubina smiled naughty, and went to get some juice for lisa, now melissa is very afraid because the naughty smile means for some danger to lisa.

Then lisa seated stylishly, looking at melissa. Rubina is coming with copper glass in her hands.

Lisa drinking it, after two seconds she was screaming.

"Sister! what did you do?" melissa scared.

"well, nothing! i just mixed two spoons of salt and three spoons of pepper"rubina's whispering.

Rubina is laughing at her unstoppably.

"Sorry, we're so sorry my queen, she doesn't mean to" melissa is requesting her.

"No, i mean it" rubina is whispering.

"Shut up" lisa shouted.

"How dare you, do you know with whom you're dealing with?" rubina suddenly shouted at her.

"Sister, no! please, stop this atleast for me" melissa's begging her.

melissa is trying to stop her.

"She is just a filthy bitch, just leave it to me sister, I will see her end" rubina at the peak of anger.

Melissa begged her, so rubina zipped her mouth.

"rubina tried to control her anger."

"Im sorry, sorry for this! please forgive us"melissa.

Lisa lifts her hand to slap rubina, then melissa caught lisa's hand and stopped her from doing that.

" Dont dare to do that again" melissa warned her.

"That's my sister"!

Lisa get rid of her hand and now wants to slap melissa, then prince george came up suddenly and stopped her.

" Prince you dont know anything" lisa told him.

" Stop" he showed with his hand. And he knew what is happening here, because he is watching everything from his room and when the issue is getting serious he showed up here.

Lisa pointed out rubina with her finger and arguing with prince, but its unworthy cuz he saw everything.

"Rubina tried to kill me" lisa lied.

"No, no! prince, sorry to interrupt but lisa ordered us to get up and then commanded to bring some juice, and rubina did it." melissa is defending her sister.

"Melissa, i knew it! no need to explain" prince george.

Lisa is now bursts with jealous.

"see, young lady! nobody will respect you when you treat them like slaves or with unrespectful manner. First change your way of thinking. Learn some manners" prince george lectured her.

While lecturing, rubina is laughing at her by covering her mouth with hand.

Lisa observed it, she looks like she's gonna kill her.

Lisa trying to say something but george give her no chance to talk then lisa left from there.

"Thank you ! prince" Rubina went from there to give them some privacy.

"Thank you for your help george" melissa is blushing.

"You're cute when you blushed" he complimented.

"Thank you" she is shy.

"Okay , i have work to do! be careful tell me if something is wrong, got it"?

"Okay, george" she smiled.

"Okay , bye!" george smiled at her and gone.

He was thinking to plan a surprise for melissa and also confess his love. so he will find some way to do that.

Prince george and henry, william at the secret meeting about the problems in kingdom. Prince george was selfish and doesn't care about his people and didn't know their problems .

But when he fell in love with melissa, his heart reacted ,now he is thinking with his heart but not with brain. He thinks in emotional way.

Earlier, people are angry with prince george but now a days people are quiet supportive to prince george because of his services to kingdom and people in there.

George always great in ruling and exports , imports. Now he wants to improve and help to fishermens and farmers. Because they are very important to us, so he proposed some new schemes to them without asking william.

William is happy at outside but inside he was angry and afraid if prince george will go like this then one day he will become pure hearted warm person to people and they started to love him. And william is not gonna happen it he will try any thing to stop it.

After the meeting, william and henry im william's room.

"Did you see that father?, you've always supported him, but he was unworthy for it, he is now taking his own choices without asking nobody" henry asked him.

"yes,son! Till this day he took every suggestion from me but now, today he has grown up.He started to do things and taking decisions without asking me" william.

"Dont worry father, I will handle him. I know him better than you, I will find a solution to this" he's double meaned.( he also means melissa).

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