Seductive beauty

The night everybody is waiting for has came, well every one in the event looks gorgeous. Melissa wore a black gown with shiny pearla and its sleeve less and back the dress design is well gracious it looks beautiful as it was back less.

Rubina wore white gown with black highlights and just a small necklace.Both are looking like angels. Melissa with caramel black hair, and rubina with dark black hair.

Their hair waves in the air when they're descending the main steps slowly, every body from down floor looking up at them.

Bethany complimented both of them. Henry came to melissa and because of her irresistable beauty he cant able to roll his eyes.

"Melissa, why you're always this beautiful?" henry asked her.

Both rubina and melissa chuckles.

"Thank you henry" she smiled.

"Well, what about me little prince?" rubina indirectly asking for a compliment.

"Um, yes you're so beautiful" henry clicks his tongue.

While three of them talking. Prince george coming down the steps. In that black robes he looks so handsome.

Melissa looking up at him, and george also descending the steps by looking at her. Henry is controlling his self because both melissa and george wore same colours which makes them looks like a couple.

"Good god! Melissa did you see that. prince george and you are matching colours" rubina told her.

Melissa smiles, henry looked at her and understood that she likes george too. But its still not so sure so he wants to give it a try. So henry without any plan he asked melissa to come with him after this event.

"Melissa?" henry called her.

(Deep breath)" yeah?" melissa looking at george.

"Can we go outside after this event?" he asked her.

"Okay!" Melissa accepted. But without knowing what he said because her concentration all is at george so she didn't even know what he's asking and what she's saying.

Henry is now happy.

The official "welcome prince, this night we all gathered here for our prince george's great victory" he shouted loudly.

Everybody"hail prince george".

Then prince george intentionally ignored her. But melissa still loves him so much. Then prince george ascend the throne.

The throne is big and royal it is perfect for prince george. Then he, in that throne looking pretty handsome.

Melissa and rubina also staring at him, then melissa,

"Sister! Why are you looking at him, he is mine" melissa is mad.

"Oh, sister please! I wont compete with you. Im just seeing him not intentional,okay?" rubina said with irritation.

"Oh, okay sister! You're so good girl" melissa.

Then the event started with a salsa dance.

Everybody is dancing, even rubina is also asked by a handsome guy for dance. Henry wants to ask her hand but feeling nervous and melissa waiting for prince george to ask her hand.

But prince george not even looking at her.So, this really makes her sad.Then henry,

( Deep breathe)"Melissa? shall we go for dance" henry asked melissa.

Melissa once again looked at him, george noticed henry, but ignored it.Then melissa understood that he is ignoring, she gave her hand to henry to not disappoint him.

Henry grabbed her hand and touched her waist, george is watching everything his inside was buring with fire,but outside he is showing nothing.

Henry getting close and close to her, melissa dancing moves are so good he complimented her. Melissa smiled at him which makes george's inside more on fire.

Henry cant stop himself he grabbed her waist more close to him.It is almost melissa's chest touching to henry's body, melissa feeling uncomfortable.

Then seeing melissa that close to him, george cant resist himself and came to melissa and asked her hand for hand. Then melissa went to his side.

Henry is feeling awkward and also mad at george. Anyways, both melissa and george are now dancing.

Everybody is complimenting them and some are jealous of them because they're looking like made for each other in those dresses they're like perfect match.

"What he is talking to you?" george asked her seriously while dancing.

"Nothing, He just said something like he wants to take me to somewhere after this event" melissa said.

"Where?" he asked.

"I dont know, he just said that" melissa told him.

"You're not going with him" he ordered melissa.

"Why,? you're not talking to me. And he is my friend" melissa with rolled eyes.

Bethany and old lady are watching prince and melissa. And bethany is looking at them confused.

"Are they known to eachother before?" bethany asking the old lady.

"Huh, i think so" old lady clicks her tongue.

Bethany looking at them suspicious.

"What are they talking in middle of the dancing"? bethany's looking them.

"Well, im here too! How can i know their conversation"?old lady reverse questioned.

"Hm, true! But what's so important that they're talking while dancing?" bethany talking to her self and thinking about it.

"Anyways! you're not going with him.Did you get it?" george ordered her.

"No, I will go " melissa also dont want to go with him but now she's making fun with prince george.

"I wont let you" prince george said.

And some higher officials stopped the dance.

"Okay! everybody,Im sorry to stop this here. But we'd like to take prince george to the palace entry" official shouted loudly.

And they invite him kindly to give him a surprise.

Well, everybody is going outside.Prince george went to outside and melissa,rubina and old lady are also went to outside for this surprise.

After everybody gathered outside, the lights on and there is a big box covered with big black colour cloth. Everybody are interested to know whats inside.

"For our victory, hail to prince george! We all want to give this special surprise to prince george for this great victory. And we want prince george to open this cloth.

Prince george stepped forward, and interested in this, its shape like a cage. Because, the cloth is so transparent and thin, the shape is easy to find. Its a cage but because of the cloth covered it,we dont know what is inside it.

Prince george grabbed the cloth and its a cage made of iron. Its like a bird cage, but its big cage and in that cage there is a beautiful 'women'.

The women is extremely seductive with medium curly hair, and she wore a sleeve less blouse with straps. And a long skirt with two cuts which exposed her two thighs.

And the blouse which only covered her boobs and exposes her shoulders and belly.

Her eyes are super sexy with black kajol and red plump lips. Which can make any guy a mad one infront of her seductive beauty.

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