Who will marry amelia?

After prince george checked every thing clearly, he wants to meet melissa and rubina in public meeting.

As per prince order, melissa and rubina, amelia also came up for the meeting. As it was not an official meeting, everybody attends to the meeting like henry and william and also palace people.

Everybody sits in their soft royal chairs, prince seat in the center thats big gold coated one. He sat there and everybody stood up with respect. The nodded his head and everybody is at their seats.

Now he called Amelia to present.

"Amelia, i had a complaint against you" he said officially.

"Complaint? What is it prince?" she innocently asked.

He called melissa and rubina up, to present.

Then melissa asked by prince george about her complaint to say it loud.

"Yes, prince! I saw that she was bitten by a snake and its dead. I saw with my own eyes."she said.

Amelia is shocked and tensed she have no idea what to say now ,then she on the spot lied a story,

"Prince, im innocent! I dont have anything to do with this" she pretends to be cried.

"No, prince! i saw her that night she killed the snake just in one second, she is more dangerous" melissa argued

"Prince, please tell me! How can a human be a snake? There's no point, she is jealous of me that's why she tried to label me as a criminal" amelia is acting like she is crying.

"No, prince! Test her then her true colour will reveal infront these people" melissa said.

Amelia is sweating and feeling stressed, if she tested then she will be so dead. She knew prince wont leave her.

"Okay! Lets test her get me some sweet" prince commanded. Then a men in silver small bowl gave some sweet to amelia, and amelia fearfully taste some liquid sweet. So now that she tasted food must be tested with some body, but nobody dares to come infront.

Amelia was so stressed, oh god please save me save me she thought to her self in mind. Then a short lady looking like a dwarf came forward and said

"I will taste it, prince" she said.

"Zabina ?" amelia is mumbling.

Thank god, zabina will definetely save me she thought to her self.

Now amelia is confident, seeing amelia like that melissa and rubina started to worried.

Then prince granted permission to her to test it, then zabina closed her eyes and drank the liquid.

Everybody is looking at her curiously, zabina has no effect like melissa said. So, its tested safe that means amelia is safe, the complaint was false.

"So, melissa's allegation is false, amelia is not accused she is innocent. Because of melissa's false allegation, melissa have to say sorry to amelia. As,it is her first mistake we are leaving her without punishing. Next time anything like this, then the situation will be worse, and zabina can go now" he commanded and stand up he is about to leave.

Then amelia stopped him and everybody,

"Prince, everybody saw that im an innocent. But of course im a woman who will marry me?! You saw that nobody dares to taste my food. Then how can a guy will marry me?" she cried.

Prince lowered his head with shame, and looking at melissa very angrily.

"Im sorry, tell me what can i do?"he asked.

"No prince, you have nothing to say sorry, do you believe me?" she asked innocently.

"Yes i believe you amelia, you're innocent" he said.

"Then prince will you marry me?" she asked.

Melissa's face became very red everybody noticed it,so prince also. He got mad at her and stood up

"How dare you to ask me like that, im a prince and will be the king of the kingdom." he shouted.

"Sorry prince, but nobody will marry a woman like me and after this allegation no one dares to step forward to marry me" she cried.

"Shut up! Its not gonna happen" he conformed.

Then amelia ran out from their with tears to suicide at some where, then prince send some guards to stop her.

Amelia is running and running and stopped at clean 'digged well' and planned to jump into it. She jumped into and acted like she's not a swimmer but actually she's a good swimmer.

Amelia is acting like she is drowning in that well, then the guards saw her thought that she is in danger and jumped to save her.

After they brought her out, they saved her and take her to prince. At the same meeting, same people. Prince scolded her,

"What to do prince?, im just ordinary woman nobody dares to marry me" she cried and lowered her head.

Everybody is mumbling and george looking around and after for a while thinking he took a decision.

"Amelia you're not a ordinary lady. From now onwards you're prince george's wife you're my kohinur diamond" he praised and decides to marry her.

Amelia now your work will finish soon she thought to her self and looked at melissa with one brow lifted.

Melissa looked at george with grave disappointment, but he ignored her and left from there. After everybody left there's just amelia melissa and rubina.

Amelia came to them and

"Thank you melissa, you reduced my burden" she laughed and left from there.

Melissa sat there and crying, rubina cant see her cry.

"Melissa, these humans are not like us. They need proofs and evidences they're with hearts but affection less. Leave him" she suggested.

"No, i cant! I will save him from that bitch" melissa is angry.

Amelia went to william , and henry also there discussing about the meeting. William is happy but henry is not. Then they heard some foot steps and pearls sound.

Its amelia, she stood at the door then william's face brightened.

"Come on amelia, oh sorry kohinur diamond" he greeted.

"Hello sir" she bowed.

" Father, you knew her before?" henry asked.

"yes, son! we know each other" he smiled.

"Okay amelia, you know how i felt when she found out your identity, oh my god i prayed god to do a miracle " he said. Then suddenly zabina entered into the room and said,

"Am i the miracle your talking about???" she smiled.

"Oh god, yes! Who are you,how did you?" william clicks his tongue.

"You mean who did she alive? it is your doubt right?" amelia asked.

"Yes, yes yes yes" he's curious.

Then amelia opened her wooden box and showed some pearls. William looking at those pearls and confused cuz its not that special.

"These pearls are not just pearls, these are antidote for poison. Zabina also effected because of my poison but she is expert she controlled herself for some time and went to my room for these pearls. So, it cured her" amelia explained.

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