Change in plan

After finishing his talk to prince george, william saw henry sitting lonely in the garden. Then he sat besides to henry and placed his left hand on his shoulder.

"Father? sorry i didn't notice you" henry smiled but still sadness in it.

"Son? Are you worried?" he asked and laughed.

"Dont worry son, after george's death you will be king." he laughed.

"Yes, i know it father" he replied still sadness in his voice.

"Day after tomorrow george's wedding after the wedding he will be dead " william laughed.

"Wedding? With whom"? he asked curiously.

"Yes, with amelia! she planned everything perfectly. Im confident on her abilities she will kill him in the wedding without any doubts" he said.

"Father? Really, thank you father thank you so much" he was happy now. William thought that he was unhappy and worries about his position, but truth is he is worrying about his love melissa.

In room, melissa is very sad and planning about how to stop the wedding. Melissa asking advises to stop the wedding.Rubina got no ideas.

"I dont think we can stop this wedding. Because amelia is too clever" rubina gave up.

"What are you talking sister? I loved him i have to save him" she said.

"Stop it melissa! You better middle drop" rubina shouted.

Melissa lowered her head and crying out. Then old lady came to her and she let melissa sleep on her lap.

"Melissa, dear! We will do something. God is with us" old lady boosts her.

Then with little confidence she went to prince george's room to talk again with him. But there's already amelia talking with prince george.

"Prince, william sir told about our wedding. You're so great thank you so much" she said.

"Um, its okay! what brings you here amelia?" he asked without interest.

"I came here to ask you a favour. Please dont reject it" she said by touching him every where.

"first tell me, what it is?" he asked with long face.

"I wanted to go to boat trip" said with little hesitation.

Melissa can hear all their conversation, she is eavesdropping on them.

"Well, i will tell my men to escort you" he said while looking into a book.

"Prince, i want to go with you in privacy not without you" she said.

How dare you to go with my george melissa thought in her mind.

"Um im sorry im way too busy" he rejected.

"Prince please prince, please" amelia is begging.

Then william entered the scene, and recommended amelia to george amd supported her.

"George, why dont you go with her! After all its her first wish" he said.

"Okay,when?" he asked in disappointment.

Melissa listening to all these is now in deep sad and also thought that amelia got some plan behind this trip. so, she wanted to follow them.

"Prince, today night?"

"Sure" he replied.

Then william and amelia coming out side, so melissa hid behind a wall. Then william and amelia went to their room.

"Amelia, what are you gonna do?" he asked because he's unaware of this boat trip.

sighs "You're smart sir! I decided to kill him this night there's no one just me and him. So, its easy to kill him alone" she laughed.

"So, change in plan?" he asked.

"Yes, i will kill him when he's alone. So, nobody can save him" she laughed.

"Well, be carefull! melissa heard you conversation so will definetely try to stop you" he said.Because, i saw that she was hidden behind the wall. he said.

"oh! Well, let her try! After george, she is my target. After my king of gohar released free i will make melissa my slave" cruelly laughed.

Both are laughing.

"Well, okay then! Go ready for night. Wear pretty dress that can make him look only you" he suggested.

"I will sir! Okay bye" she bowed.

"Good luck"

Amelia left from there. And went to her room, there zabina brought her some new dresses.

"Wow, what are these?" amelia asked entering into her room.

"It is for my super beauty amelia" zabina said while opening a dress.

"Look at this! Black without strips. It suits you" zabina showing the dress to amelia.

"God, really super! George will definetely love it" she said.

"Well, whats the matter, looking happy" zabina asked.

"Yeah, today night is the last night for prince" she laughed while touching her new dress.

"So, this is his last day of his life, poor prince didnt even married " zabina laughed.

Then amelia wore her new dress. In the black dress amelia is looking so gorgeous. Her tan body in that black dress is super seductive. The dress without strips which exposed her belly cuz its crop top. And her skirt with more than three cuts which exposes her thighs.

George waiting for amelia, and here melissa planned something to stop amelia, she came out looking for amelia but she is too smart. Amelia and george already in a small wooden boat.

But she didn't disappointed she took some arrows with her, then rubina stopped her,

"What are doing, where are you going"? rubina asked.

"Nothing, out of my way" melissa told.

"No, tell me what it is, now!" rubina stopped her and not letting her go.

Melissa is in urge so she told everything, then rubina tried to convince her but she doesn't. so rubina also went outside with her to help her.

Now, they're in the boat. Its small which makes them sit close to each other, in moon light. George watching the moon and remembering melissa.

Who the hell are you, there is such a hot girl infront of him but he dont even see me, amelia thought to her self while looking at him.

Amelia looking at him for long time but no use george seems not, she stood up and stepped forward because of the boat shaking, she slipped then george caught her hands.

Then she silently sat right next to him, she started to flirt with him,

"Look george! the moon was beautifull, the lake is clear and the atmosphere is cold and silent even wind also dont want to disturb us" she flirted.

"Yeah, you're right!The moon looking beautifull. Its always beautifull and everybody wants it and they do know that moon wont fit or come into their hands. But still wants it" george said with disappointment and sadness. He is indirectly talking about melissa.

They're in the boat and melissa, rubina looking at them and waiting for right chance to throw arrows. They're behind a big bush that they can see george and amelia in the lake. The lake is surrounded by dark and thick bushes and trees,grass.

"Look george! Tomorrow is our wedding. im so happy to meet you. Look at the moon, today i liked the moon very much its so beautifull i felt free and the moon giving me peace" amelia expressing her feelings looking at moon.

George is now looking at her, he remembered these words that once told by melissa. So, he's assumed amelia like melissa, now he is fully into amelia without knowing.

Amelia noticed that now george looking at her,so she sat against him and caught his neck collar and pulled him close to her.she is looking at him seductively with biting her lower lip. And she pulled him ver close to her and now there is a finger gap in between their lips she tried to kiss him.

George thought that it was melissa kissing him. He closed his eyes.

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