Official announcement

George resting in melissa's lap, well melissa pampering him and asked him about the surprise.

"George! What is the surprise?" she asked.

"Surprise means surprise! Wait for it" he said.

"Okay! But tell me why did you looking so tense? Any problem?" she asked him.

"Nothing" he lied.

"Really?" she asked.

"Yes!Darling" he told.

"Okay, then give me the book i cant reach it. Its next to you". she asked.

Then george took the book that is next to his left leg that melissa cant reach it because george resting in her lap.

He took the book and noticed the book cover thats showing about a lady with half snake body. He's interested so he asked about it.

"Melissa? You're always reading these fantasy books. These are fake dont waste your time in these" he said and gave that book to her.

"Hm, for your sake! Its not a fantasy book. Its a very old classic book that tells about history. And this book is about a woman that she can change her self into anybody she has great powers, she is half human and half snake" she explained about the book.

George started to think about it.

"Really?,so the lady was a snake?" he asked her.

"Hm, yes! She can transform her body and face into anybody she wants to. And she can bite them. Oh yes, where is amelia? was she killed or not?" melissa when explaining about the book she suddenly remembers about amelia.

George then worried because its so sensitive matter, if melissa finds out that amelia got escaped then she will be worried. So, prince decided to not tell the truth now.

"Melissa, dont worry! She is in our custody now with very tight security. No need to panic" he said.

"Oh! Thank god" melissa's relaxed.

Then suddenly melissa felt something weird in her stomach she was about to vomit.

Then george stood up he used his hands like a bowl and melissa vomited in his hands. The colour of it was dark green, both melissa and george shook when they saw it.

Whats happening to me? melissa thinking in her mind.

Then george washed his hand and wiping his wet hands with the small cloth and questioned her.

"Melissa! I didn't see this type of colour before. What is it?May be once again we should go to the doctor. I will call her now" He said.

Then melissa grabbed his hand and stopped him.

"Dont worry! This afternoon mother gave me so many veggies, so maybe that the reason for my green coloured vomit. No need to worry, see im okay"melissa lied but she too knows that something is wrong about her.

"Okay, then but be carefull. I wont live without you.I love you melissa"he kissed her.

"I knew! I love you too" replied.

Then on the bed melissa put her head on george's shoulder and reading the book. George was thinking about the possibilities of her escape and the relation to this book. He is thinking that maybe amelia also poisonous lady so she also a shape shifter he thinks.

Then george suddenly noticed something in melissa's hair. There's a ring that has mermaid to a pin.

George took it out to see it.

"Ouch, george" melissa.

"Wait, wait! What is it?Its looking weird also beautifull" looking at the ring that attached to the hair pin.

"Didn't you recognise this?" melissa's confused.

"No" he again looked at it.

"Well, it cant be" melissa is thinking with biting her lip.

"Tell me, Why did you ask like it is related to me" he asked.

"Of course it is, When i first time saw you in the beach at unconscious state, this ring was near to you. So, i thought its yours. Then i took and attached to my hair pin and i used to wore it always." she said.

George looked at the ring for a while, and noticed the half piece is missing. The ring has another half piece, then george suddenly recalled the scene that william's ring fell and rolled under his bed. The ring also looks like a half piece. So, he stood up and bent to see the ring under his bed.

There's the ring that was shining at the edge under the bed. He took it and came out from under the bed with that ring. He took a close look at that ring. It was a bit rusty and there is a man held the mermaid's hand.

George brought the two rings together then its perfectly matched. The both pieces are combined together and it shines.

A dark blue light appeared when the two pieces brought together. Both were shocked and the ring has a mermaid and a man held their hands each other.

"Wooh! What is it?" he is in shook.

"Its a mermaid, and a man" melissa smiled and also shocked.

"Well, i can see that but its just shined" he is still in shock.

"Well, may be its our imagination" melissa guessed.

"I have to go! You get ready for the party. Wear the dress, its in my wardrobe" George said and left from there.

After george left from there, melissa continued to read her book.

Its night, melissa is still reading the book, rubina with a dress in her hands, came inside and looked at melissa. She is still reading so rubina took the book and

"Melissa, i cant believe it. Its time to get ready. And you're still reading your shit book" rubina stood infront of her with the dress.

"Stop it!" melissa said and noticed the wheather. Its dark out there.

"Oh my god!" melissa stood up from the bed and running to prince's wardrobe. Rubina looking at her weirdly.

She didn't understand why melissa is running. Then, melissa took out the beautiful dress from his wardrobe.

Its so heavy and white in colour. The dress has deep front cut and backless long frock with full net sleeves.

Rubina cant believe her eyes. The dress was super gorgeous. so, she asked the dress, but melissa rejected to give it, because its george's first gift to her.

Melissa wore the beautiful dress and came out. Rubina keeps staring at her, she is looking so beautifull. Then, rubina also wore her ordinary dress.

Atlast melissa wore the flowers crown that is hand made with beautifull fresh flowers. Then they both heard george's voice. The party had started. They both ran to the main big hall.

Rubina descended the steps slowly because there is no lights at all, its all dark. The hall also very quite. Then melissa descending the steps with carrying the heavy long frock. She is handling it very carefully.

The suddenly some white lights appeared and focused on melissa. In the white long frock she grabbed everybody's attention towards her.

Everyone down there looking at her with jaw dropping. Then Prince george stretched his hand forward for melissa. Melissa held his hand, both in white and white dresses looking like a newly wed couple then all lights shown up.

Melissa was shocked, the hall was red carpeted and everybody are standing besides to the red carpet. George and melissa only walking on the red carpet. She is feeling amazing and happy.

Then he took her to the outside, melissa's eyes got widened. There's a stage waiting for them with all types of flowers. There are some white dressed girls with flowers in hands waiting for them.

"George! What is this?" melissa is shocked.

"Shh, dont talk! Come with me" he took her to the stage.

That place belongs to me. When george called me gave this white dress. I thought he will be propose me. But didn't expect this -lisa talking to her self.

Its lol moment for george and melissa to see lisa like that. Everybody gathered there.

"Hi Everybody! Im your prince george"! je shouted loudly like he was about to giving an announcement.

Lisa afraid and biting her nails because she is afraid of prince propose to melissa. So, lisa biting all her nails.

"Today we're all gathered here because im giving an announcement for you" george said.

Melissa and everybody down are eagerly waiting for it.

Then he stretched his hand forward and pointing the entry gate of palace with his finger.

Everybody turned back looking at the gate. The gate opened, a man entered the gate. Melissa's cant believe her own eyes, william is in shock and bethany is happy. Henry is confused seeing that guy and looking at his father's reaction for that guy.

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