Freezy love story

After george proposed to her, everybody are enjoying. The main twist is that rubina is in love with henry for long time because of the unconditional love for henry. Rubina told the every truth about themselves.

Henry couldn't believe it, he was in shock.

He asked for proofs, so to make him believe her, rubina went to henry's bathroom. It was big and there's a round big glass bath tub with water filled in it.

And the water surface covered with many rose petals on the top layer. To prove herself, rubina took off her clothes infront of henry which makes henry shy and he turned his head to another side and closed his eyes.

"Its okay henry! Turn to this side" a voice from his behind.

Henry slowly turned and opened his eyes. As the bath tub was made of glass,she is clearly able to see. Her half part was big tail with some pearls and her breast was exposed.

Her tail is super shiny and long that her tail cant fit in that tub so the end of the tail was clearly came out of the tub its so long.

Henry without blinking his eyes, jaw dropped and suddenly lost his consciousness.

Then rubina came out from the bath tub and wore her clothes. Then she wake him up.

Henry opened his eyes, and looking around that where he was.

Then he came to know that he was in rubina's lap. Then immediately stood up and still in shock.

"Where, where? Where is your tail?" he is confused and afraid of her.

"Henry! Please love me, we wont hurt anybody. I love you" rubina is begging him.

Then he believed her, and asked for a favour.

Well, here outside melissa is looking for her sister rubina. Then george announced another shocking news.

"Your king,my father was escorted forcibly by that filthy liar william" he shouted with pointing his finger towards william in bunch of crowd.

Im done william thought to his self and started running from there.

"Catch him" george shouted and ordered.

Some guards caught him while escaping, then they imprisoned him. After that george announced their official wedding day without melissa's permission.

He arranged the wedding day on auspicious day. But the day is not much good for mermaids. But melissa didn't reject it for the sake of his love prince george.

Everybody clapped for them and happy for both of them. Melissa is worrying about the wedding date and also looking for rubina for help.

"George i want to say something. Can we go to your room?" melissa whispered.

"Well! Wait darling. After so many years i found my dad let me spend some time with him" george was very happy at that moment.

She dont want to spoil it so,

"Okay! But its urgent! After you spend time with your dad. come to your room i will be waiting there for you. Please its important" melissa said and left from there.

After some time, walter and prince george went to the garden. Walter opened the champagne and poured the drink for both of them. Im that garden, except walter and george there is nobody out there. Walter looking at the moon in such a sadness.

"What happened father? You too like the moon?" george drunk so he's talking weird and clicks his tongue.

"Me too? So, you also used to like the moon?" he asked.

"Yes father! When i met your daughter-in-law for the first time, her special fragrance grabbed my attention. That day i started to think about her while watching the moon. And that day i came to know that even moon also can give us peace and some happyness in our heart. I learnt the things that a heart full person can see and enjoy. I felt my heart when i was near to her." he said with happiness in his voice and looking at the moon.

"Hm!" walter with disappointment.

Then two birds came near to george and they disturbed him, the birds just broke the glass that was in his hands. Then the glass fell on walter's feet. As they both sits besides to each other very close. so, on walter's barefoot the glass fell and broke. Some broken pieces wound his feet. Then george took out a white small piece of cloth from his pockets, with this cloth the ring also came out all of sudden and fell on the ground.

George cleaning his father's feet, then some shiny light grabbed walter's attention. He noticed some thing that was so familiar to him he took the ring and looking at it carefully. The birds then flew away, walter thought some strange.

Walter's eyes widened ,his face was smiling. George was confused that why his father was laughing.

"What happened father?" he asked.

"Son! Thank you" he tightly hugged george which makes him choke he was coughing.

"Sorry son" he realised that he was choking him.

"Do you know what it is father?" he asked.

"Its the ring from my lover son, i used to wear it all the time" walter cried.

"What? Father i want to hear your love story. Tell me how she was now is she beautifull like my mother" he asked curiously.

"She is the most beautifull lady i've ever met" he cried.

"oh! Then why did you broke up, where is she now?" he asked.

"One day i was playing at the beach with your uncle william. He was too fast in running. So, we want to test out abilities your uncle and i started to run as fast as we can. Because of his speed he won the match, but i in the middle of running suddenly my heart started to aches it was evening already its so cold. I cant feel my body temperature anything. Your uncle william didn't have any idea about what to do, so he left me because he's afraid that this all happened because of him. So, he ran to the palace but i now cant even help myself to breathe. Its almost mid night. I couldn't see anybody only the cool breezes and im fucking freezing out there. I thought that it was my last say of my life. My feet my hands and my body temperature slowly decreasing. Then because of the heavy tides so close to water. Im wet and my vision was blurred. Then a beautiful lady, i couldn't see her face clearly but she is so pale and beautifull. Her hair was too thick and curly. She touched me with her soft palms, then saved me just with her hand touch. And left from there. After some time, i felt nothing my body's temperature was normalised by itself. I felt strange. So, i left there and went to the palace. Everybody was worrying about me. I came to knew that your uncle william didn't say a word about me. I thought he was afraid.

But i didn't stop thinking about her, i went the next day to beach. I was waiting, waiting and waiting. I felt sad because i couldn't see her then i was about to leave. And i saw a tail that was of pink and blue scales behind a big rock. I went to there, and believe me i couldn't believe my eyes. I was shocked, there's a beautifull women but with half tail then i believed that it was a mermaid. And mermaids are real. She didn't ask me for a help, but i helped her. She was pretty much deep wounded and a arrow im her tail". he's explaining his flashback.

"Father? How do you know that she was the lady that helped you?" he asked and shocked.

"That day she helped me, she didn't walk but she was dragging her whole body with her hands,she was crawling. Then i understood why that day she was crawling" he clarified.

"Oh! Okay father continue" george is quite interested.

"Yes! That day i saved her, and we were friends from that day. She always used to call me 'Freezy'.Our friendship turned out to be in deep love with each other.I loved her like anything in the world. One day your uncle william followed me and saw her . Then complained on me to my father. I was 25 at that time. My father then forcibly married me. Even after the wedding, i used to meet her daily. Your mother is an angel, she so naive and warm hearted. Always trusts your unle william so much. After my marriage, one day i met her and planned to elope with her. But, that dau was the horrible day of my life". He cried.

"Please stop father!" he's consoling him.

"That day, her brother caught us. He was very angry and so powerfull. She tried to save me from him. When he jinxed me i was petrified but she saved me by passing her half of powers to me with a kiss. But because the fact that she touched me, her brother with his powers he made her an ugly being in the world. Now she is so ugly but her heart was still beautifull. This all happenes because of me. From that day, i couldn't see her. So, i stopped eating and sleeping. Then your mother was so cared about me. I decided to not live her and i understood her value. I understood her and started to love her. After two years she gave birth to you. Then william started to afraid about his position and his wife. So, he tried to separate us. It couldn't help him anyway. Once again i went to beach and there she was crying out sitting on a rock. Even her voice also got changed. She wants to meet me daily, so she gave me her special ring."

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