Discussion with hottie

"Wait! I will kill you!" shane running after noah.

Suddenly noah slipped and fell besides rakha. Rakha and shane are very best friends from his child hood. Well, rakha used to hate noah so much.

When noah came closer to rakha, it will react so terribly. Now, rakha tried to crush noah with his legs. But shane controlled him. Without shane, rakha cannot be stopped or listen to anybody else.

Then later, rakha and shane went outside for a ride. Isabel found her ring. And she also liked shane's shirt and its smell. Shane got a special perfume just for him. The perfume was hand made and shane always got his perfume with him. The perfume maker only made this special perfume for him just for him in the world with some unique flowers.

Shane also wont share this perfume with anybody else. He has special bond with that perfume. And isabel liked the smell of that scent so much. so, isabel made her own recipe with some flowers in the ocean that was similar to his scent.

She took nanny's help and made her own body scrub that smells exact like shane's scent. Nanny with her experience found some very special flowers.

With that scrub, her body shined more and her beautiful maximized. She smelled so good like him. But she forgot about her sister.

"What happened nanny? Looking so dull?" isabel asked.

"Im missing her! Please isabel, just find her as soon as possible!" nanny requested.

"Okay nanny! Just for you, i will find her and grab her to you" Isabel said.

And from that night, she was searching for alice. But couldn't find her. she has no idea why alice is not returning to them. Here, noah brought the lady who captured everything that happened in the zoo.

"Excuse me? May i come in?" a voice knocking the door of shane's room.

"Come in" shane typing something and looking into his system.

"Thank you!" the lady entered. She wore black dress which almost exposed her breasts and her thighs.

"Who are you?" shane asked without looking at her.

"Im the one who witnessed that strange thing about zoo"! She said.

Shane quick looked at her and came to her.

"So, so?You saw her right? Tell me How she looks like??" he asked so curiously.

"Dont you ask my name? By the way, your house is so big!" she is flirting him.

"Okay whats your name? Did you saw her?" he asked.

"My name is Bethany! You can call me beth! I will be pleased" she smiled.

"Okay, beth! Tell me exactly what happened that day?" he asked.

"Yeah, but before i tell you, can i sit there?" she asked.

"Oh im so so sorry! Please be seated"! he remembered his manners.

"Yeah, that day i usually love snakes! So i know their manners and i know pretty much about them. That day, its really some strange happened. Two girls are looking all over the zoo like they saw never before. A girl just looking at other animals, but she. She was quiet unique, she was looking at the snake just the snake. The shocking scene is the snake also looking at her like they were talking something. Then suddenly all animals got escaped from their respective boxes and places that they've kept. Her hands just sparked like she got some magic. And after the snake came out free, it just nodded his head. Then i started to capture it and tried to footage her but she covered her face. I followed her still though, but suddenly she she just missed from the beach like goddess." she explained.

"What? missed?" suddenly alerted.

"Did you saying that she was missed at the beach like near water?" he asked.

"Exactly! Suddenly a bus stopped me for few seconds, but still i followed her and he within blink she just missed and i found nothing just some stupid gang fell unconscious" she said with lazy voice.

"You know something? They're just nude they got no clothes on them" she added and laughed.

"Um, okay! Nude? Who are they?" he asked.

"Well, i knew them" noah entered.

"How did you know them? " shane questioned.

"Bro! She also showed them. And one of them is my friend! I invited him yesterday! You know something, he always beaten up with everybody. Yesterday also he got beaten up with a girl and his lover"! i cant believe this" noah laughed.

"Yesterday? do you have picture of him?" he asked.

"Yes! This is him" Noah opened his gallery and showed the guy.

The guy is who got beaten for so hardly for slapping isabel's butt and he's the same guy who got beaten up when isabel and alice entered to see outside world.

"Ooh, yeah! No wonder that this jerk is your friend! He's miss behaved with her! And you know what? She just kicked him like anything"!Shane laughing.

"Ah, shut up! Okay beth! Did you saw her ? Or tell us some details about her!" noah asked.

"Um, not much! Huh yeah, she wore a pretty costly ring. You know something, that ring was so beautiful and so old" she said with husky voice.

"Old? What you mean by old?" shane asked.

"Dont you know? The ring was so so so old. Now its value in this centuary is touching the sky. If i saw her again by any chance. I will definetely gonna ask her about the ring." beth smiled and looks like greedy.

"So, that ring was so old right?" Shane questioned and thinking deeply.

"Yes, actually the ring belongs to the great great great king walter's one and only son george's wedding ring. He specially made those rings, the rings are couple rings. Im looking from long time for those antique pieces. God im lucky, i found one of them.Its very famous and old story!" she said with excitement.

" King walter?" shane just got head ache like his head experienced some shock.

"What happened shane?"

"Oh my god, what happened?" beth worrying.

"Miss beth! Can you go outside, i will contact you later"! Noah tried to send her out.

"Yeah, sure! I have a meeting tomorrow im london. This is my card, call me if something important!" beth took her mini bag and left from there with giving a card.

"Shane, shane!" noah is worrying.

Shane's head was hurting, he is remembering something.

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