*** 1 Year Later.
The day after my birthday last year, the news of me going to be a High Priestess chosen by their Goddess Adara was spread to the whole kingdom. The spreading of the news was so fast that I received a lot of letters from the nobles and royals. I received all sorts of letters, from tea parties and letters asking for my hand in marriage. But, I didn't read any of the letters because my family managed them all. I just know what the contents were because they're so loud and furious about the letters. They always talked about me still being a child. They came to decide that they would just burn them all. So, after that, if any letter addressed for me, except for the High Priest's letter, was sent to our home, they won't give a d*mn of who sent it and just burn it immediately. *laughs* That's so typical of them.
The next week after my birthday last year, I was happy when my dad permitted me to have a stroll with my five knights. I remembered just recently that in the old Avyana's memories, they were the witnesses against Avyana in the trial. And they were the ones who killed those people whom Avyana ordered to kill. They were stained with the innocents' blood and that's what made them regretful and killed their selves during their imprisonment. Avyana didn't even know their names and that was making them feel lower than a dog. I was filled with guilt and ashamed when I realized that the old Avyana also called them B, C, D, E, and F. That's why I asked my father to have a time with them. He said no at first but said yes after a few persuasion. He couldn't resist my ultimate power, cuteness after all. I asked my knights their names and I was dumbfounded when they introduce themselves. Alpha, Beta, Charlie, Delta, and Echo are their names. It's like the military alphabet. I wondered if there were 26 of them but I didn't ask them. We talked while having tea and now I know a little about their selves. After the little time we had, I went back to my room and asked my personal maid, Ana about my knights since she talked with the other maids in the mansion and probably heard about them. And I was right. She told me that there are 26 of them. These 26 knights or should I say Shadow Knights are the best of the best knights we have and they're our personal knights. They were specially trained by my father but Ana didn't know where they train because it's a secret place. They are very popular here and to the other kingdoms, but no one, except for the people in the House of Red, didn't know what they look like. Ana thinks that they're assassins, but I think they're not. I need to find out what are their roles in the Reds. Also, Ana said that she heard my dad talking about the top 5 best among the 26 shadow knights were my personal knights. I was awestruck.
Last week, my father received a letter from the Ducal House of Blue that they're going to visit us. The young master Blue will also be joining them because he will train his swordsmanship and combat skills here. When he'll start training here, he's going to live here for 6 years and he can leave when he's 11 years old. But, he will still continue his training. In those 6 years, my father would determine if he's worthy to be a special knight. Special knights are the officials in the knighthood. If he's deemed worthy to be one, then when he turned 11, he would be trained to be a special knight for 6 years more. I know all this because I heard my brothers talking about how will they become special knights someday. Today, the Blues will be here and we're currently preparing for their arrival.
"Wife, I received other letters today. It's from the king and the High Priest." I stopped from my stroll when I heard the voice of my dad inside his office. I peaked at the slight opening of the door and saw my mom and dad talking.
"Did you read those already?" my mom asked. I saw my dad opened the drawer of his table and pulled out two letters: one is gold and the other is white. The letters here in this kingdom were colored based on the noble's or the royal's last name.
"Yes. They want to train their children here. Our best knight who was the princes' trainer that we sent to the palace will be brought back here together with the princes. The other best knight we sent to the Temple will also be brought back here together with the heir of the High Priest," my dad said. I heard my mom gasped in shock and my dad massaged his head. I assume that the reason the princes will be here is for gaining my parents' favors because of me, or they will be here because they're forced by the queen. I need to find out whether they have a good relationship with the queen or not. It will be very helpful to me. The High Priest's son will be here because he will protect me while training here as what the High Priest said in the last letter he gave me. Now, we're talking about him, I forgot to ask him about the red diamond necklace and earrings. The King said that he advised giving those to me.
"They will have to take the oath if that would happen. They have to pledge loyalty to the Reds." I gasped in shock when I heard my mom. If that would really happen, the past will surely change. In the past, they didn't train here in the Reds. Because if they do, Avyana would have known them. Avyana in the past always watched his brothers when training and the princes, Jack Daniel Blue and Dove White weren't in the picture. The past is certainly changing. Was it influenced by the fact that I'm going to be a High Priestess?
"The princes will just have the oath of knighthood and not the oath of loyalty to the Red, just like the King and the other kings before him. But the Blue and White can not escape from it. That's the rule of our family for generations." my dad replied. These royals were unfair. Tch. But, well, their reputation would tarnish if they pledge loyalty to the Reds that are below them.
I leaned on more on the door and I was late to realize that I was already hugging the floor. I saw the alarmed faces of my parents when they saw me on the floor. Ugh, it's embarrassing. And before I know it, I was already in my dad's arms. Mom checked my knees if there are cratches.
"Did your brothers chase you again?" my mom said with a worried and a hint of anger in her voice. I immediately shake my head no because I saw my dad almost bolted outside searching for my brothers. Well, I couldn't blame them for accusing my brothers because this happened before. I ran because I and my brothers were playing tag. Adonis was the tagger but he's so d*mn fast that I have to go inside a room so I can hide. But, when I opened the door, I lost my footing and fell. It was late when I realized that that was my mom's room. My brothers got scolded pretty badly. But now, it's not what you think it is, mom. Hehe! Sorry, mom.
Dad put me in a long chair and sit beside me. Mom followed. "Baby, it's your birthday next month. What do you want to do in your day?" my mom asked softly at me.
I smiled and replied. "I want to invite the Pinks, the Blues, and Uncle. I don't want to invite the others. Just them." Oh yes, I can talk clearly now. I always practiced speaking for the past months.
My parents just chuckled at me. I wonder if they would still laugh if I tell them what I planned.
"Mom and dad, I want to study in the House of Blue after my birthday this year." Just as I imagined, my parents' smiles were slowly fading. I saw them looked at each other with worried looks and then looked back at me.
"I think it's too early for you to study, baby. I want you to enjoy your life as a kid." I was really moved from what my mom said. I know they're just concerned for my well-being. But, I really need to learn and have knowledge about this world.
"Mom, Dad, I know you're just concerned for me but you also know that I'm special, right? I could read books when I was 4-5 months old. And I really want to study, Mom, Dad." I pleaded with them. I really want to study so that I won't be ignorant about this world.
Mom and Dad looked at each other then looked back at me. When they smiled at me, I already know that they approved my decision. I hugged and kissed them. I'm so lucky to have them to be my parents in this life. Now, I realized what Adara meant when she said that I would have the thing I want the most in my life if I would accept the offer. I smiled at the warmth I felt from my mom and dad. I'll make sure to protect this family with my life.