Chapter 34: The abandoned mansion

"What is going on here?"

The person that was saying that was a young woman around Zeldaris´s and Aversia´s age, she had long scarlet hair, brown eyes and had a slender, voluptuous figure.

She wore an armor that looked like it was custom made by the Heart Kreuz smiths, a famous group of smiths that specialized in making armor and weapons.

Her armor consisted of a breastplate that covered her upper body and shoulders, but not her arms and a pair of gauntlets, who reached up to her elbow.

She also wore a blue skirt, black boots, and diamond shaped silver earrings. (AN: Yep, she wears earrings, you just do not see them most of the time, because her hair is covering them, and she does not wear them with other armors. I often forget that she wears them.)

At first glance she looked like a younger version of Irene, but Aversia and Zeldaris were not sure if she was Irene´s daughter or if Irene was an ancestor of her, like Anna and Laila.

But on a closer look there were some little things that were different from Irene and reminded the two of someone else and that was the one person that they hated even more than Acnologia, and that was Irene´s former husband Rung.

The reason that they hated Rung more than Acnologia was that they felt that Acnologia was nothing more than a shadow of his past self, an avatar of destruction, who could no longer stop until everything was dead.

While Rung on the other hand was ready to torture and kill his wife, Challot, Emrissen and every dragon slayer that was in the castle and experiment on both Aversia and Zeldaris, only to gain more power.

Which made them lean more towards the idea that she was Irene´s daughter and there was another thing that made them even more sure about it, her scent.

Every person had a unique scent and although parent and child would have a similar sent, it would still be different, and this girl had a scent that was almost identical to that of Irene.

But they decided to be a bit cautious before they ask if she was Irene´s daughter.

"Ah, Erza you are back. May I introduce Aversia and Zeldaris, they are Natsu´s older siblings and are our newest members of our guild. As for what is going on, Natsu had challenged Zeldaris to a fight and lost.", said the master while pointing at Zeldaris and Aversia.

"So, you are the two, Natsu said your names multiple times back when we were sleeping together as little kids. My name is Erza Scarlet."

She then walked towards Natsu, who was still stuck in the wall, pulled him out, slapped him a few times and shouted, "Why did you never tell me that you had siblings, Natsu!", while shaking him.

Again, both were dumbfounded and didn´t know how to react to this.

Everyone else was going back into the guild and the two half dragons decided to follow suit, leaving Natsu at Erza´s mercy.

Back in the guild, Aversia and Zeldaris were standing before the giant request board that was right next to the bar.

The board was filled with job requests, from monster extermination, wanted posters, escort requests to miscellaneous things with variant degrees of rewards, which ranged from Jewels (AN: Currency of Fiore) to rare items and other things.

One request that was standing out to them was one that was made by the major of Magnolia, apparently there was an old mansion to the west of the city, it was empty for a long time now and it seems that beasts made the mansion their nest.

The major was not a fan of beasts so close to his city and wanted them out of that mansion, the reward for the job was the mansion itself.

This would answer their home problem, since both didn´t wanted to stay in the inn for a long time, although Aversia had the option to stay in Fairy Hills, the female dormitory of the guild, were most of the female members of the guild lived.

But Aversia didn´t want to live separated from Zeldaris, since their seals could erupt at any moment and that Vulcan was coming to live with them in a few months, she was also a little bit afraid of living alone, since she and Zeldaris were inseparable, like Challot and Emrissen.

"Are you interested in the old mansion job?", said Erza that stood behind them.

Both turned around and nodded, they also searched for Natsu and Happy, but were unable to see them, they could only imagine in what condition Natsu was right now.

"Then I should tell you about the history of the mansion and why no one wants to take it. The mansion was first built by a noble, who wanted to build a summer house there, he discovered that there was an underground hot spring beneath the ground. No one could explain why it was there and is a mystery to this day. The noble was nonetheless happy about his discovery and build the mansion and added the hot spring to it, but after his death, none of his children were interested in it and the mansion fell into the hands of the city, who in turn turned it into a public bath, but it was too far away from the city for the people and made not enough money in the end and was closed. The city was not sure what to do with it and left it alone until today. I am impressed that beasts didn´t made it their nests sooner. It is actually one of the newer jobs, but no one wants to take it, because it would take too much money to rebuild it and the fact that the beasts are not really are danger for the city, since they never came nearer to the city."

Aversia and Zeldaris listened attentively at Erza´s explanation and found that the mansion was the perfect place for them.

A place where they could live in peace and were far enough to release their seals, without endangering the people of the city and work on their magic and blacksmith skills, was perfect for them.

Money, they had enough of that and even if the renovation costed more than they had, they still had rare materials and a few magic weapons and magic armor that they could sell.

Only problem was that they didn´t where the mansion was, so they asked Erza to show them the way toward the mansion.

Surprised at the beginning, Erza smiled and agreed to bring them there.

Zeldaris took the request from the board and told the staff that was standing behind the bar counter that he and Aversia were taking the job, Makarov already explained to them how to accept a request.

On their way outside, spoke Aversia with Lisanna and asked her to look after Natsu, since she and Zeldaris were worried about him.

After exiting the guild, they walked right and were soon outside the city, they walked over a few hills and arrived before Fairy Hills, but they continued westward and after a few more minutes of walking, arrived at the mansion.

The mansion was made of black stone and was for the most part in good condition, the building was in the shape of a U, the main body of the mansion had three floors, while the wings had only two floors.

Most of the windows were broken, tendrils covered the walls of the mansion and it looked like there was a hole in the roof.

The mansion was also surrounded by a stone fence, and it was also overgrown by plants.

"Welp here we are. I am going back to the guild, since I don´t think that you two need help with this. Maybe I should go to that baker before I go back to the guild.", said Erza and walked back to Magnolia, while mumbling something about cake.

Zeldaris and Aversia opened the gate of the fence and walked toward the gate, when they were three meters away from the mansion, jumped many shadows out of the windows, destroying them completely.

Those shadows revealed themselves as a giant group of Gorians, also known as Forest Vulcans, who had green fur and bright purple skin.

More than 30 of them surrounded the two half dragons and a giant Gorian was watching the situation, he was properly their leader.

The Gorians were looking with perverted eyes at Aversia, who was ready to kill every single one of them.

"I am counting 31 of these fucking apes, how about we have a little contest at how many we can kill, the winner is paying for the meal tonight.", said Aversia.

Zeldaris only nodded and ran towards the nearest Gorian.

What followed was a complete massacre of the Gorians, they were unable to hurt them in any way and the two didn´t even need to use magic to kill them.

The leader of the group tried to sneak attack Aversia, but she caught his fist with her hand and crushed his bones and proceeded to beat the living shit out of him, which costed her the contest.

The score stood at 18 to 13, with Zeldaris as the winner.

Zeldaris and Aversia stacked the bodies of the Gorians and burned them, they didn´t even skinned them since the bodies were in such a bad state that they were useless to them.

And after the bodies turned into dust, did they enter the mansion.

They entered a giant lobby, where stairs were at both sides of the room, the floor was made from wood and some remains of a carpet were still there.

The ceiling had a giant hole right in the middle of the room and a small tree was growing right beneath it.

Both made a quick tour through the mansion and found that it had a large kitchen, a library, and multiple guestrooms, with their own bathrooms, just to name a few of the rooms and all of them were in bad shape

Behind the house was a giant garden, of course it was totally overgrown and the paths through it was barely seeable.

The paths lead to another building, which was the hot spring, turned public bath, but they didn´t entered it, because they found a secret passage that led right beneath the building.

The corridor was lit by glowing moss and gave them enough light to let them see their surroundings.

At the end of it, stood a giant metal door, that was covered in strange, but somehow familiar runes.

Both tried to open the door, but it didn´t gave them any sings of moving.

They then transformed back into their true form and tried again, but the result was the same.

Aversia theorized that the runes were the reason that they were unable to open the door, but that made things complicated, because they were unable to read them.

Destroying the rune circle by absorbing the energy out of it was also no good idea, since it was possible that it would become instable and blow up, which could result in the destruction of both Aversia and Zeldaris and everything and everyone in a three-kilometer radius, since the runes were containing an insane amount of magic power.

In the end they decided to wait for Vulcan and walked outside.