Chapter 66: Erza vs Aria

Sol immediately decided to try and run away, by merging with the ground, but both Mirajane and Elfman reacted instantly and attacked.

Both of them didn´t attack the ground or Sol´s legs, to stop him from merging with the ground but attacked his chest and back and squashed Sol between their fists.

They than continued to punch Sol with incredible speed and strength and the sound of multiple bones breaking and or being pulverized was so loud that even Lisanna could hear it.

Lisanna´s limbs were still enveloped by the earth and no she was currently trying to free herself from them.

She first had tried to transform her arms and legs into those of bigger and stronger animals, trying to destroy her chackles by expanding her limbs or through sheer strength.

But that didn´t really worked because the earth had been enhanced by Sol´s magic and Lisanna would squash her limbs after transforming, because the earth would not budge.

Lisanna now tried to transform herself into a small animal and decided to transform into a snake.

Her whole body was enveloped by light and shrunk into the form of a normal snake with white hair.

Lisanna dropped onto the floor and slithered a short way forward, so that she had enough space to transform back.

As she transformed back, she ran toward where Elfman and Mirajane were using Sol as a human sandbag.

Sol was at this point still conscious for some reason, a miracle in its own right and most of his body was heavily injured, but luckily a good part of the force from the attacks he was able to redirect into the earth, since his lower half was still merged with it.

However, Sol would not be able to survive much longer, because both Mirajane and Elfman prepared themselves for a strong attack.

Elfman jumped over Sol and stood beside Mirajane.

Both of them punched out but stopped mid-way, because between them and Sol stood a panting Lisanna, with her arms stretch out.

"This isn´t you. Both of you have never have and never will, so please, come back!"

Their arms began to shake and both of them slowly transformed back and before both of them could even say a single word, Lisanna jumped toward them, hugged them, and begun to cry.

Elfman and Mirajane also begun to cry and hugged their sister back, letting out all of their pent-up feelings.

As for Sol, he finally lost consciousness and lied on the ground.

Zeldaris and Aversia had almost reached their destination, they could feel it.

Both of them were in their true form, they would no longer hold back no matter who their opponent was.

As they ran through the hallway, a large door at the end of it came into view.

Not even bothering to open it up, Zeldaris blasted it into pieces with a fireball.

Passing through the destroyed door, they entered into a large empty room.

The room was completely empty, no decorations could be seen anywhere.

At the opposite side of the room stood a large golden door.

"Something is not right here; we should be careful." said Aversia and Zeldaris simply nodded.

Their instincts told them that they should be careful, that something was not right, but their senses were not able to pick up anything, in fact there was nothing besides them inside the room.

Both of them walked toward the large golden door, keeping their guard up.

About half-way through the room all of their instincts rang alarm and both Zeldaris and Aversia dodged to the side immediately.

Both of them turned around and saw a pair of arms that appeared out of nowhere.

Zeldaris and Aversia covered their hands with grey flames and tried to strike the arms, but they vanished into thin air.

"How sorrowful, how trull sorrowful. For the necks of the mighty half dragons to present themselves to me and to be severed by me." said a voice filled with sorrow and seemed to come from all directions.

"Show yourself, Aria! We know that it is you!" yelled Zeldaris.

"So, you two know of me and yet you still want to fight me, how sorrowful."

"Oh, put a sock in it. It should be us telling you that. After all, you should know that magic is not a good option when fighting against us or did Gajeel not mention it?" said Aversia, while trying to find the last member of Element 4.

"Let me assure you, he did. But there are other ways to defeat you. Although master Jose told me to leave you two alone, he will reward me plentifully after I kill both of you."

"Oh? Are you sure? Then come and show us how!" yelled Zeldaris.

"How sorrowful, I will slice the wings of these dragons and they won´t be able to fight back. Both of you won´t be able to find me, I made sure of that. You are trapped in this room with me."

He was not wrong; all of their senses were not able to find even the slightest hint of where Aria was.

"You really think that we need to find you?! The answer to this little riddle is easy." said Aversia in a playful manner, with slight bit of blood lust inside of it.

Both of bodies were suddenly enveloped by the grey flames and with every moment they became stronger and stronger.

The plan was simple, if they can´t find their opponent, then they would use magic that covers the entire room, making it impossible for Aria to hide in the room.

However, Aria was not an idiot and his arms appeared out of thin air again and reached toward Zeldaris and Aversia, but the two half dragons were prepared.

But before they could act, a scarlet flash past them and slashed the space between the two arms.

Blood splashed into the air and the air became distorted and revealed a large man, who was massive.

He had large, loose, green coat that covered his massive body, with a high collar.

Beneath it was an orange shirt that was similar to the coat, he also had extremely loose pants and simple dark shoes.

Most notable were his short and especially thin limbs, compared to his massive mass of a body; but his hands seemed to be more proportional to his body.

He also had a necklace of red crosses, linked together with small beads and a small, red skull in the middle that also had a blindfold, like Aria himself.

Yes, Aria wore a blindfold and a top hat, which had the same color as his coat, and had wide, purple stole over his shoulders, who reached his knees.

Aria pressed his hand on the wound, a shallow slash wound on his chest.

As for the one that cut him, it was none other than Erza.

"Erza!?" said both Zeldaris and Aversia in surprise.

"You two go ahead and defeat master Joe. I will deal with him." said Erza, determination radiating from her eyes.

Without saying a word both half dragons turned around and ran toward the large door.

"The one that dared to touch our master was you, wasn´t it?" asked Erza Aria.

"It seems that I have underestimate you and those half dragons, now I will fight you with everything I got." said Aria, not answering Erza´s question and removed his blindfold, revealing his eyes.

The second he reveled his eyes, his magic power shot through the roof and an air space, which covered most of the room, appeared.

"This is the airspace of death 'Zero'. I can only activate it when I am serious, and it will consume every life in its space." Aria said, with an overconfident grin.

Erza could feel the air space affecting her, but instead of despair, like Aria hoped, Erza became even more angered as she already was.

"Magic that consumes life…? WHY DO YOU FIND IT SO EASY TO STEAL PEOPLEA`S LIFES AWAY!!! YOU BASTARD!!!" yelled Erza, now completely and totally enraged.

"Now then, Erza, let's have some fun."

Erza rushed forward; her sword ready to cut Aria down.

Aria faced his palms toward Erza and created multiple streams with the air space and sent them flying toward Erza.

"I wonder, can you survive this airspace?"

Erza let her skill speak for her and sliced all of the wind streams from the airspace apart, as if they were tofu, shocking Aria.

"No… No way. She is slicing through my air space. Wait… "

Aria was not able to finish his sentence because Erza arrived before him.

Erza activated her Requip magic and while she changed her armor, she swung her sword toward Aria and passed him afterward.

"[Equip: Heaven´s Wheel Armor]"

(AN: Do I even need to describe her armor? I mean, its one of her most popular armors. If you want me to do it, I will do it next time. I will go into more details in the changes I make for them, part of the reason, why I didn´t describe the Flame Empress Armor in detail.)

Multiple swords appeared around Erza, however, all of them were Vulcan´s improved version.

Every single one of them had runes attached to them and were giving off a dangerous glint.

"[Blumenblatt]" (AN: Yes, I am going to use the original version, I really can´t understand why they use German so often in anime, I mean it is nice to see some words in my mother language, but why?)

The swords flew toward Aria and impaled him, transforming him into a human porcupine.

"Weak! Master would never lose too a weakling like you! The tale of your cowardly and disgusting victory will never appear in your tale again!"