Chapter 68: FAIRY LAW!

Shockwave after shockwave erupted from the battle between Makarov and Jose.

They had now been fighting for not more than a minute, but the sheer amount of magic power that they had been using was already multiple times that of a normal mage.

Gray, Erza, Mirajane, Lisanna, Elfman and Cana had joined Zeldaris and Aversia at the edge of the cliff and were looking at the ruins of the Phantom Lord headquarters.

The giant robot was now in ruins, its head had been separated from its body and was now lying in the lake.

Multiple large holes were all over it and with every shockwave a part of it collapsed.

"Do you think that the old man will be alright?" asked Cana, while sitting on a barrel, she was completely exhausted.

Cana was by far the one that fought the hardest and fiercest against the shades and multiple times had shades past through her, stealing her energy.

The fact that she was still conscious was a miracle.

The rest of the members were taking care of the wounded.

"Normally, I would say that gramps would have no problem beating Jose, but I don´t know if Gramps has all of his magic power back." said Gray.

"There is also the fact that Jose absorbed all of the magic power that the phantoms stole." added Zeldaris.

"I wouldn´t worry too much about it. Makarov has regained all of his magic power." said Vulcan who appeared out of thin air, scaring the shit out of everyone, especially Zeldaris and Aversia whose senses didn´t detect him at all.


After having their senses being tricked and or completely averted by multiple people now, had both Zeldaris and Aversia not much faith left in them.

As for Vulcan, they had noticed that he seemingly disappeared shortly after they went into the robot, and no one knew where he gone to.

"That´s good, you should not rely on your senses too much anyway and as for where I was, I was meeting someone. That is all I am going to say about it. But let´s get back to the original topic, Makarov's recovery. He was able to recover so fast because his magic power had been returned back to him, by Mystogan. You see, Arias spell that allows him to drain the magic power of a mage releases the drained magic power back into the environment, which means that Aria was not able to use the drained power for himself. Mystogan was somehow able to gather all of the released magic power and put it back into Makarov´s body, restoring his magic and saving his life." explained Vulcan.

There more magic power a mage has, the more it becomes an important part of their body, giving them better physical abilities and in some cases even stop the aging process to a certain point, however, if this power would be drained all at once than the life of the mage would be in danger.

"So, Mystogan saved the master? That's good to hear." said Erza.

"But that is not all, he also attacked almost all of the branch guilds of Phantom Lord, the rest of them had been defeated by Laxus and the Thunder Legion."

"WHAT?!" exclaimed all of them in surprise and disbelieve, as for with whom Vulcan met, Zeldaris and Aversia would not ask anymore since they knew that it would be pointless to try and get anything out of Vulcan, if it was something that he doesn´t want to tell, than there is now ay to get it out of him.

Their reaction was normal, since all of them knew that Mirajane asked Laxus for help with Phantom Lord and he rejected, unless he became the new guild master.

Now hearing that Laxus actually helped them, was surprising to say the least.

"However, he and the Thunder Legion did it by accident."

"That makes way more sense." said Cana.

"Some of the branch guilds were able to mobilize much faster than Mystogan had expected and were on the way to Magnolia. By coincident they crossed paths with Laxus and the Thunder Legion, who they immediately attacked after recognizing them as members of Fairy Tail. Needles to say, Laxus and his group easily defeated them and as far as I heard it was a one-sided massacre. To be honest Laxus state of mind in the last few months is starting to worry me."

None of them replied and were thinking about the state in which Laxus was as of late and they had to agree with Vulcan, it was something to worry about.

But the battle between Jose and Makarov soon took their attention back to it because it seemed like the climax was about to begin.

Inside the robot Makarov and Jose were still facing one another, their battle up too this pint was one of the highest grades and even someone like Zeldaris or Aversia would have been in danger if they stayed behind.

Both of them were about equal in their battle and had received around the same amount of damage.

"Impressive. To have so much power at such an early age, you have truly earned your place as one of the saints. If only you had used your power and abilities for good, then you would have become a role model for the new mages, then you would have been able to lead the world of magic to a better and brighter future." said Makarov.

"Are you preaching me old fart?" said Jose, annoyed by Makarov´s words.

Makarov´s entire body begun to release magic power and his body slowly begun to grow, he had finally used his signature magic, Giant.

"As it is tradition in Fairy Tail, I will give you until the count of three. KNEEL."

Surprised for a second, Jose started to laugh manically.


Makarov brought his hands close to another as a ball of light appeared between them.

"I was wondering what kind of nonsense you were going to say, but to ask me to kneel before you?!"


"YOU WANT ME TO KNEEL BEFORE YOU AND ACKNOWLEDGE YOU AND YOUR GUILD AS THE GREATEST GUILD IN THE KINGDOM!? STOP DREAMING! IN COMBAT YOU AND I ARE EQUAL! NAY, I HAVEN´T EVEN SHOWN EVERYTHING I HAVE, I AM STRONGER!" yelled Jose, his sense of reason was completely overtaken by his sheer hate for Fairy Tail and all he could think of was to annihilate it, to massacre it.


"YOU ARE THE ONES THAT SHOULD KNEEL BEFORE ME, WHO SHOULD BEG FOR YOUR PITIFUL LIVES!!! NOW CRUMBLE TO DUST AND DIE!!! VANISH FROM THIS WORLD AND THE FACE OF HISTORY!!! FAIRY TAIL!!!" yelled Jose in his frenzy and with all his hate, he summoned all of his magic power and unleashed it toward Makarov, however.

"FAIRY LAW! ACTIVATE!!!" yelled Makarov as clapped his hands together.

A golden magic circle appeared before Makarov and in the middle of that circle was the emblem of the Fairy Tail guild.

A blinding light erupted from this circle and pillars of pure light emerged from the ground, dissolving Jose´s magic power and basking him in this light.

Another giant magic circle appeared above the robot and released such a large amount of light that everyone had to block their eyes and unleashed so much force that the clouds in the sky split apart.

The sky itself was penetrated by the light.

Everyone braced themselves for the inevitable impact, but it never came.

Instead, they felt a warm and comforting feeling as the light enveloped them.

Their bodies and minds were mended by it.

"This… This is Fairy Law." said Erza in surprise and excitement.

"Fairy Law?" asked Gray in surprise.

"The holy light that banishes the darkness. It only attacks things and people that the caster thinks of enemies deep down in their heart. It is considered as one of the legendary spells and is one of the three great spells of our guild." explained Erza.

"Wait? What do you mean by three great spells of our guild?" asked Lisanna, the others, especially Zeldaris and Aversia looked like they had the same question in their mind.

"I don´t know much about them and what I know is only rumors, but I heard that the three great spells are the most powerful spells that our guild has and protects. These spells were originally created by the founding master of our guild, Mavis Vermillion. And only members of our guild can use them. However, I have heard that the other two had been sealed away."

As Erza looked at the others, wanting to see their reactions, she saw how Zeldaris and Aversia were taking notes and talking about these new information's with much vigor.

Vulcan gave both of them a punch to the head and yelled," Knock it off you two, I know you are excited and are taking notes for Irene, Tia and Anna, but now is not the time for it."

Over the last seven years and especially over the last two years, Zeldaris and Aversia had been gathering information about all sorts of magic and spells, although partially to quill their own thirst for knowledge, it was mainly for Irene, Tia and Anna who loved to research and learn about all kinds of magic.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." said Aversia, the punch didn´t hurt the two at all.

"You two should hurry up and go to the top of that weird robot." Vulcan said as he turned around.

"What? Why?" asked Aversia in confusion.

"Because you will find Natsu and Gajeel there. Natsu has fought against Gajeel to rescue Lucy and ultimately won."

"What? How did you know all of this?! Please explain the situation properly!" yelled Zeldaris, as he and Aversia, plus everyone else, became even more confused by his answer.

But Vulcan didn´t answer and simply walked toward the other members and started to treat the injured, no one at the cliff could see the smile on his face.

'Even if I told you all, how I came to know all of this, none of you would believe me. Hell, I myself can barley believe it as well, but they don´t have to know that. That being said, it seems that the future will hold many dangers for us. Everyone, you need to become stronger, and need to find more allies.'

Zeldaris and Aversia held their heads in frustration, his stubbornness was really annoying to deal with and always gave the two a headache.

But in the end, they still flew toward the area where the head had been connected with the rest of the body.

On the way they met Lucy, who was being carried by Happy, the two half dragons made sure that Lucy was ok and exchanged a few words, before continuing upward, while Happy brought Lucy back to the guild.

On top of the broken remains of what could be considered the throat of the robot, both Natsu and Gajeel laid on the ground, completely exhausted and bruised and also topless for some unknown reason.

"Can you hear me, brother?" asked Natsu.

"Don´t… Don´t call me that. I stopped being your sibling and that of Zeldaris and Aversia a long time ago."

"I still see you as my sibling, even after everything that happened, and I know that they are thinking the same way."

"Shut up."

"Tell me… Gajeel, do you know what happened to our dragons seven years ago?"

Surprised by that question, Gajeel slowly begun to raise his upper body, until he sat on the ground and looked at Natsu with a surprised and shocked expression.

"How… How did you know that?"

"It happened with Igneel too and with Challot and Emrissen. Besides, if Metalicana was really still around, then he would have never let you join Phantom Lord or let you become like this." Natsu answered with no doubt in is voice.

Although Metalicana was extremely shroff with his words and could be extremely irritating, there was no doubt in Natsu´s mind that Metalicana deeply cared for Gajeel, just as much as Igneel cared for him.

"If he really cared so much about me, then why the hell did he just vanished into thin air like this. I never looked for him and I don´t care if he ever comes back."

Although Gajeel was acting as if he didn´t care, his body still shock a little and his eyes became slightly wet, no matter how much he tried to refuse it, the sudden disappearance of his adopted parent hurt Gajeel deeply and to this day, he was still searching for him.

"You know that Natsu is right and believe me, Metalicana loves you more than you can ever imagine, although he has a weird way to show it."