Chapter 96: Fire and Iron versus Lightning

Back at the cathedral, Laxus was close to a mental breakdown.

Everything until now had been an utter failure, and now even his last resort, the Thunder Palace, was about to be destroyed.

Why? How? Where did he go wrong? How could this group of weaklings and idiots beat him and his team?

"Looks like you have underestimated the guild and its members, Laxus." Natsu said with a smile.

No, no, no, no. NO!

It cannot end like this, not until he faces that old man, not until he beats him, not until he proves himself as more than just then that old fart´s grandson.

"It is NOT over! I won´t allow it!" Laxus yelled, lightning crackling around his body.

But at the same time, he was asking himself, why the old man hadn´t appeared yet, why hasn´t he come?

"If you are asking, where the master is, then I have to tell you that he collapsed from all the anger he felt. But even without him, fire brain and I will defeat you!"

"Kind of reminds me of the old times, where the two of us had to fight against Zeldaris or Aversia."

"Don´t remind me of that, we were never able to even scratch them. But then again, he is just a small fry compared to those two monsters."




Both dragon slayers rushed toward Laxus.

"[Fire Dragon´s Sword Horn]"

Natsu launched himself forward, while his whole body was clad in fire.

Laxus didn´t plan to dodge this time and readied his fist, this time he would go for the kill.

Natsu rammed Laxus headfirst into his stomach, but that wasn´t all.

"[Fire Dragon´s Wing Attack]"

The flames that covered Natsu´s arms grew stronger and more violent as they formed wings.

These wings made out of fire catapulted Laxus into the air, where Gajeel was already waiting for him.

"[Iron Dragon´s Scales]"

Iron scales begun to grow on his body and quickly covered his entire body.

"[Iron Hammer]"

Gajeel interlocked his hands into a fist and swung down with his full strength.

Laxus wanted to dodge, by turning into lightning, but he quickly realized that his lightning was being drawn toward Gajeel.

Gajeel had turned his body into a lightning rod.

"Now you can´t run away anymore!" Gajeel yelled as he hit Laxus.

Laxus was sent flying toward the ground.


But Laxus managed to land on his feet.

"Can´t you fools see in which sorry state the guild is? And to ix that, I have to become the guild master."

Laxus fired a bolt of lightning toward Gajeel, while charging toward Natsu, who in turn was running toward Laxus with fists, clad in flames.

"That old fool should have acted a lot sooner and face me!"

"So, you never actually planned to blow up the town?" Gajeel asked in surprise, he had blocked the lightning bolt without much difficult.

"It is quite difficult to keep up an act." Natsu said with a smile and punched toward Laxus.


Laxus and Natsu exchanged punches after punches, while Gajeel approached from behind.

Suddenly, an enormous amount of magic power covered the ground, and a huge explosion could be heart from the sky.

"What the hell?"

"Looks like the Thunder Palace has been taken care of. When there is one thing that we are good at then it is destroying stuff."

Laxus looked where the timer of the Thunder Palace was and saw to his dismay that the Thunder Palace had been taken out.

It then showed the number of lacrimas that had destroyed.

Laxus was shaking out of shock and could only stare unbelieving at the display.

"You really think that the guild has to change? We are all part of the same guild. How is someone who doesn´t even try to be part of this guild supposed to become its next master, Laxus?"

Laxus clenched his fists so hard that they turned white, his teeth gnashing against each other, to the point that it sounded like they were about to shatter.

And then a roar shock the earth and even the cathedral.

Natsu and Gajeel knew this roar, they had heard it numerous times already, it always appeared when the seal of Zeldaris and Aversia is being lifted.

"They really have the worst timing." Gajeel said with a smirk.

"It just means that we won´t get any help, not that we needed them int the first place."

"Hm, true."

While the two were joking around, Laxus turned toward Natsu, his face distorted by rage.

"You asked me how I would become the next guild master? THROUGH FORCE!"

Lightning flowed out of his body like a violent storm that was ravaging everything in its way.

"Give it up Laxus, the guild won´t be yours." Natsu said, while trying not to be blown away by the storm of lightning.

Gajeel had grown spikes out of his feet and into the ground, anchoring him onto the ground.

"Oh, it will Natsu, it will. I should have never even bothered with such a stupid bargain. From the very beginning, I should have relied on my power. THIS POWER IS THE TRUE CORE OF MY IDENTITY!!!" yelled Laxus as he unleashed even more magic power, creating wind currents.

Natsu and Gajeel rushed toward Laxus.

"[Fire Dragon´s Iron Fist]"

"[Iron Dragon´s Club]"

Gajeel turned his right hand into a large club and attacked his back, while Natsu attacked Laxus from the front with his flaming fist.

However, Laxus barley moved.

"You two will be the first… HAHAHAHAHAHA…"

Laxus brought his hands before Gajeel and Natsu.


Lightning came flashing out of his hands, sending both dragon slayers flying.

Gajeel toward the entrance of the cathedral, Natsu toward the altar.

Laxus chased after Natsu, while laughing like a mad man. (AN: Well, he kind of is mad now, so…)

He punched and kicked Natsu multiple times, not giving him any chance to recover.

Laxus then send Natsu flying toward one of the pillars, before sending a large bolt of lightning toward him.

The bolt hit Natsu and also destroyed the pillar behind him.

Natsu landed heavily on the floor, before barley standing up.

"NH… You really… are… tough…"

Natsu tried to move, but his body screamed with pain.

Laxus appeared on top of the broken pillar and raised his fist.

"Resounding through the air, the roar of thunder… Plunging from the heavens and reap destruction! [RAGING BOLT]!!!"

A massive bolt came flying down from the sky, right toward Natsu.

However, luckily for Natsu, Gajeel managed to arrive in time, grabbed Natsu and escaped the attack.

"Don´t forget that there are two people fighting you!" Gajeel said as he let go of Natsu.


A chill ran both Natsu and Gajeel as they saw how mad Laxus had become.

"Ready for the next round?" Gajeel asked Natsu.

Natsu smiled and stood up.

"You are not going to horde all of the fun."

The two rushed once again toward Laxus, who was repeating the words vanish and disappear.

But as soon as Natsu and Gajeel attacked him, he became focused on them again and started with his own attacks.

Laxus pushed Gajeel back with his palm before sending Natsu flying by shooting lightning out of his palm.

Natsu flew right toward Gajeel, who was already running back toward Laxus.

Gajeel caught Natsu.

"Salamander, roar! [Iron Dragon´s Club]"

"[Fire Dragon´s Roar]"

Gajeel made his club shoot toward Laxus, while the flames of Natsu´s roar were coiling around the club.

Laxus dodged by jumping to the side, but Gajeel wouldn´t let up.

"[Iron Dragon´s Sword]"

As Gajeel retrieved the club and changed his arm back, he kicked out with his right leg, which transformed into a large sword, cutting through one of the pillars.

Laxus jumped into the air and shot multiple lightning spheres toward Gajeel.

The spheres exploded as soon as they hit either Gajeel or the floor.

Meanwhile Natsu was climbing up the pillar that was closest to Laxus.

He jumped off the pillar and aboth Laxus.

"[Fire Dragon´s Brilliant Flame]"

The flames of hiss to hands mixed together and creating a giant explosion that made Laxus smash into the ground.

Not giving him any time to get up, Gajeel used his Iron Dragon´s Lance: Demon Logs to shower Laxus with iron spears.

Natsu landed on the ground and inhaled, Gajeel did the same.

"[Fire Dragon´s…]"

"[Iron Dragon´s…]"


Both of them used their breath attack.

A stream of flames and a tornado made out of iron pieces hit Laxus with full force, creating a giant explosion that destroyed multiple pillars.

But as the smoke cleared, both Natsu and Gajeel were shocked by what they saw.

Laxus was fine, injured but only lightly, his shirt had multiple holes in them but nothing major.

"So that´s the power of the dragon slayers? I am shocked that you two have the guts to call yourself dragon slayers. Those two must be quite disappointed in you."

"Did… Did we even do any serious damage?"

"What a monster. I can´t believe it."

"It is quite simple, really. I haven´t told anyone about it because I hate the lectures of that old fart."

As soon as he finished his sentence, Laxus´s teeth became longer and sharper, his body grew bigger and became bulkier, his shirt was torn apart.

But most importantly scales grew on his arms.

"You have got to be kidding me, he is a dragon slayer too?!" Natsu yelled in surprise.

"This feeling is similar to that of the four that Aversia fought with. But most importantly, do you feel that?"

Natsu nodded and gulped.

"I do. No doubt about it, that is dragon force!"

(AN: Be honest, you didn´t expect that, didn´t you. Explanation at the end.)

"But it feels strange, not like the times at the village when they demonstrated it to us."

"[Lightning Dragon´s Roar]"

Laxus released a giant beam made out of lightning toward Natsu and Gajeel, who weren´t able to react in time.

The beam destroyed everything in its path, Natsu and Gajeel laid on the ground, heavily injured and lightning coiling around their body.

"I… I can´t move, my body is paralyzed."

"Me… Me neither."

"Oh? Still alive? Then I will finish this! You two, Erza, Mystogan, the old man, everyone at the guild and the people of Magnolia… I WILL EXTERMINATE YOU ALL!!!"

Laxus brought his hands together in a particular way.

Magic power gathered around Laxus; pillars of light were shooting out of the ground.

"What is this monstrous power…"

"This feeling… Gramps…"

Laxus roared as a small sphere of light appeared between his hands.

"Don´t… Don´t tell me he is going to use that?!" Natsu yelled.

"Fairy Law! The spell that defeated master Jose in one hit. This spell eradicates anyone that the caster sees as their enemy."

Laxus laughed as he heard this.

"That´s right. I have mastered the spell FAIRY LAW!"

The sphere begun to radiate light as Laxus continued to pump his magic power into it.

Three seconds later, the spell was ready.

"[Fairy Law]"

Laxus clapped his hands together and a giant magic circle appeared on the ground, covering the entire city.

The whole city was bathed in blinding light, and two furious roars could be heard.

Ok, let's talk about DRAGON FORCE!

But first of all, yes, Laxus was using dragon force, but hear me out before you get the pitchforks and the torches.

Dragon force is the ultimate form of a dragon slayer. The power of a dragon manifests itself physically on the dragon slayers body, partly transforming them into a dragon. The way that a dragon slayer transforms when using dragon force is depending on their element but can still vary in some degree from person to person. But the effect of it is still the same. Massively increased magic power, potency/power of dragon slayer spells and massively increasing their physically abilities, such as speed and power.

The way to unlock/achieve this mode is different for every generation. In other words, we will go through every single one of them, except 4 generation, because we don´t know anything about it.

Let´s start with the second generation. They can achieve dragon force easily, to be more precise they and the fifth generation have by far the easiest conditions. The second generation has to simply led the lacrima influence them more, let it loose. However, this comes at a price, the boost that the second generation receives is by far the weakest one of them all.

The fifth generation unlock it the second that they become a dragon slayer, by eating the flesh of a dragon or a dragon slayer. They can freely enter it at any time, at any moment. However, it is considered a forbidden technique, because if you lose control, you will transform more and more into an actual dragon, lose yourself into your animalistic instincts and go on a rampage…. Wait… Doesn´t that sound kind of familiar… OH FUCK ME! I swear that the fifth generation wasn´t an active inspiration for the mcs. Shit… As for power, not sure since we didn´t get to see much but I would say that it is around the first generation.

Third generation is a combination of the first and second generation. They have been both been taught by a dragon and had received his magic power, but also have a lacrima implanted into their bodies. In other words, it is both easier to achieve then the first generation, but still harder than the second generation and is weaker than the first generation, but stronger than the second generation.

And finally, the first generation. Their requirements are by far the most difficult. Because one part of it is that they need to consume something with extremely high amounts of magic power, but it also has to be extremely powerful. For example, the magic of an actual dragon. The first dragon slayers had unlocked it in the war, by consuming the magic of the dragons. It is hard to achieve but it is definitely worth it. It is the most powerful version of them all.

As for visual changes, my personal favorites are definitely the first and fifth generation.