Chapter 110: Wendy´s resolve

Natsu and Lucy were extremely happy to finally meet Anna again, however, both of them noticed something off and looked at each other.

"How do you know teacher?"

"How do you know Aunt Anna?"

They asked both of each other at the same time and then began to quarrel.

As for Anna, she began to chuckle at the scene.

"It is a surprise that both of you were able to meet each other, but a pleasant one. I would love to explain everything, especially because I owe both of you an explanation. But at the current situation, some matters are much more important." Anna explained.

Both Natsu and Lucy pouted but nodded.

Anna then looked at everyone else, her eyes staying especially long on Erza.

"My name is Anna Heartfilia, I and Wendy are the delegation from Cait Shelter. Both me and Wendy are specializing in support magic, on good cooperation."

The others nodded, except for the Trimen who was head over heels for Anna but didn´t dare to do anything because of the stare that Jura was giving them.

"Now that everyone has arrived, how about we go over the situation? But before, I must first visit the perfume of the latrine." Ichiya said, before quickly running toward the toilet.

"Why did he have to add the word perfume to it." Gray said while sighing.

"While master Ichiya is gone, I will take over the explanation." Hibiki said and used his magic to create multiple screens beside him, each of the screens showed a picture of the area surrounding the grand forest.

Hibiki´s magic was called archive, magic that allowed the user to easily gather and store information, such as information about magic and their spells, and also allowed the user to easily distribute information to allies.

"We all have gathered here to stop Oración Seis at all costs. Many of you are probably wondering what it is that they are after."

"They are after an ancient magic called, Nirvana." Ichiya said as he came back.

Everyone tilted their heads because none of them had ever heard about Nirvana nor any magic that was located in the forest.

"We did some research and only found out that it is an ancient type of magic that had been sealed away many centuries ago." Ichiya explained.

"It seems to have been so destructive that the people that had created it, had no other choice but to seal it themselves. We were not able to find more information about it, but that alone is more than enough reason to go against Oración Seis." Ren added.

"We have also scouted the surrounding area. We have reasons to believe that Oración Seis had made their camp inside the forest, the dark guilds under them have also made their camps inside it. Currently, there are even fewer dark guilds present than we had thought, only around 30% of their forces had managed to gather here in time, and the rest are currently being held back by the combined forces of the council and the other guilds. Nonetheless, we are talking about a force that is almost 1000 men strong, not to mention that every member of Oración Seis is strong enough to eradicate a whole guild alone." Hibiki explained.

He then changed the pictures that the screens were showing, showing the portraits of six people.

"These are the members of Oración Seis, we also did a bit of research about them, but there is sadly not much about them. What we know is that they seem to use codenames for each other.

There is Hoteye, he acts often as a mercenary that works for the highest bitters. Cobra, who acts as an operative for the guild and seems to be the one that often interacts with the dark guilds under Oración Seis, he also has always a giant snake with him.

Angel, there are only rumors about her, but they say that she can bring out any secret that you have. Racer, we have no data on him but from his codename, we suspect that he uses magic to increase his speed.

Brain is the leader of the group and has one hell of a track record, and definitely not in a good way. He has contact with almost everyone in the underworld and has been rumored to have been involved in the trafficking of children with high magic power.

As for the last one, there is no information on him, we don´t even know his codename."

"With that said, if we were to go against any of them, we need to take full advantage of our numerical superiority." Ichiya said.

"Well… I-I don´t think that I will be much of help against them." Lucy said, feeling rather awkward.

"I… I also don´t think that I can take any of them head-on…" Wendy said, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"WENDY!!! HAVE SOME CONFIDENCE!!!" Carla yelled, she had to deal with the advances from Happy, who seemed to have fallen in love with her at first sight.

Happy had tried almost everything to get closer to her, even offering one of his beloved fishes, but to no avail.

Lucy was happily watching over Happy´s failed attempts.

"Worry not, for we have more ways than just direct battle. However, for that to work, we need to directly locate their headquarters and gather all six of them, or as many of them as possible, at it." Ichiya said.

"I thought you already knew where it was?" Lyon asked.

"We don´t know where it is, we haven´t found anything that supports the idea that they have their outside the forest." Ren answered.

"And how do we get them there?" Gray asked.

"By beating them up!" Natsu yelled and raised his arms into the air.

"Back to beating them up, aren´t we…" Lucy said.

"What do we do once we got them there?" Erza asked.

Ichiya smiled, a dangerous glint could be seen in his eyes.

"Then we will use our guilds mighty Pegasus airship, the Christina. With it, we will obliterate their base and them with it." Ichiya said and posed.

Christina was a magical bomber, an airship that had a terrifying amount of firepower.

(AN: And never ever got to do anything important… Poor Christina…)

Everyone was surprised by the news that Blue Pegasus had a magical bomber and that they would use it here.

"To bring out a magical aircraft against humans is a bit…" Lucy said awkwardly, in her mind it was a bit too much to use such a weapon against humans.

"That is the nature of the enemy we face. Take heed, if combat does ensue, nobody is to attempt to face an enemy alone. You must always do battle in groups of at least two." Jura said with a grim expression.

Lucy became terrified as she heard this, how monstrous had their opponent been to make one of the saints say this.

Natsu on the other hand became excited.

"Right!!! I am fired up now!!!"

Natsu turned around and ran toward the exit.


However, before he could even leave the hall, chains made out of light wrapped around him and confined him where he stood.

"Natsu… I knew that you couldn't change… But I still had some hopes. You have become too much like Igneel in this regard, both of you are hotheads." Anna said and sighed.

Ichiya and Jura looked in shock, both of them had felt that Anna´s magic was not so simple as she had let them believe, and now that they could feel it, their sessions had been confirmed, they also had the same suspicions for Wendy.

Erza on the other hand simply smiled, of course, she had felt it as well, but she was also happy that someone other than Zeldaris and Aversia was able to deal with Natsu.

Everyone else was shocked at how easily Anna was able to stop Natsu.

Anna then looked at Ichiya and said, "I think it is time to deal with you as well. Don´t you agree, Gemini?"

Ichiya looked shocked for a moment before he as well was wrapped in chains.

"What are you doing to our big brother?" Ren asked in shock.

"Don´t play dumb, Gemini. I know that it is you, after all, from all the spirits, you were the first that I had found and the one I had spent the most time with." Anna said, her eyes became sharp, and her demeanor became serious.

Ichiya began to laugh, at first quietly and slowly becoming louder and louder.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! It seems that the years haven´t let your senses become dull, Anna. Piri-piri. It is good to see you again."


Smoke surrounded Ichiya and in an instant two small creatures with blue-colored bodies appeared in his stead.

"Piri-piri. What now, Anna?" asked Gemi, the right one.

"Pipiri. Are you going to fight against us?" Mini asked the left one.

Anna shook her head.

"I never was a fighter, after I annulled my contract with you and the other eleven, I have completely dedicated myself to my studies of magic and my role as a teacher. So no, I am not going to fight against you nor your current master…." Anna said with a nostalgic look in her eyes.

What no one noticed was that she loosened the chains that were binding Natsu, who in turn looked toward Anna and Gemini.

"However… Two of my best students are here, and I believe that the two of them are more than enough to deal with you and your master. Isn´t that right, Wendy… Natsu?"

The air inside the hall began to move, faster and faster until they threatened to destroy everything in their path, gathering around their fists of Wendy.

Flames that threatened to burn everything in their path gathered around Natsu´s fists.

Both of them launched forward without any command or any hesitation.

"Piri-piri. Ah, this scene… How nostalgic. It seems that both of you have grown up." Gemi said.

"Pipiri. This brings back memories…" Mini said.



Natsu punched out with his fist, while Wendy struck out with her hand that was forming a claw.



Under the shock filled eyes of everyone, the bodies of Gemini were annihilated by the magic of the two dragon slayers.

(AN: Were you searching for a certain girl that had no confidence in herself… Well, I have to disappoint you, you will not find her here. All you will find here is a girl that tries to be worthy of the title, Dragon Slayer.)

Wind and flames continued to rage on in the hall, enveloping the bodies of the two dragon slayers.

"You are wrong, Gemini. I haven´t grown up as much as you think. I still don´t like to fight, I will probably never get used to it, nor enjoy it. But after the incident at the village and being separated from my family, I accepted that I needed to get stronger.

I know what it means to be a dragon slayer, the legacy of that title, and of being Grandeeney's daughter. And when all of us are finally reunited again, I will stand beside my siblings, no matter what!"

"Hahahaha! Well said, kid." Natsu said while laughing and strongly slapped Wendy on the back.

Anna and Carla looked at Wendy with proud eyes.

'Well said indeed.'

Hello there, thank you very much for reading and i hope you enjoyed it.

Wendy is going to be much more braver and determent than at the begining of cannon.

As for why? Well... You will have to wait for tommorow, i am not going to spoil that.

Also, if i had to place Wendy in strenght than she outclasses everyone from Blue Pegasus, Sheri and Lucy.

But that is for tommorow, until then, bye.