Chapter 14: Violence.

[A/N: Important notice, I posted the chapter of my new original novel!! I plan to post at least one chapter a day!! If you are interested in my work, just search for the name: My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.

Or click on this paragraph!]


Chapter 14: Violence.

'If violence is not the answer, it is because you have not used enough; because violence is always the answer.' I thought about it as I flew towards the Stark Tower.

Arriving at the Stark Tower, I drop Natasha and Maze on the floor. I see Natasha's hair return to the red color of before, but I ignore it and walk towards Bruce.

Soon Camael and Thor also arrive.

"Ugh, I want to throw up." Tony spoke.

Natasha, Maze, Hawkeye nodded in agreement.

[@ $% @ $ @% is interfering with portals, mission updated!]


[Main mission: Interdimensional enemies are interested in Earth!

Description: protect Earth from invaders! Wave 1> 5/10.

Reward: new game features will be unlocked.

In case of failure: Earth will be destroyed, the event will happen sooner than expected!]

I quickly left the Stark building and flew skyward. Using my vision I can see that the portal has grown in size, and black tentacles are coming out of the portal; the tentacles are holding the portal open and are expanding it.

I see that several enemies have started to come out of the portal: Ogres, wolves, goblins, slimes, kobolds, they all have an appearance with black tattoos.

A light appeared beside me, and that light began to rotate in a circle.

"This is bad, isn't it Lucifer?" I hear the voice of an old man.

I look in the direction of the voice and see an Asian-looking man, he looked like those old wise men from Wuxia novels.


"You're late, I thought you were going to miss the party." I comment laughing.

"I thought you would be able to deal with this matter. After all, if the most powerful angel in heaven cannot deal with these enemies, then this universe is lost"

"Indeed" I commented.

"What do you plan to do?" Yao asks.

"Recruit allies, I need warriors"

"Asgardians, the woman in space, demons, angels, Kree, etc. Which allies do you want? "

I smile: "Everyone !! This is no longer a problem for Earth. From now Earth is the front line in the fight against these enemies from another universe, and everyone should help. And, if they don't help, well ... the Devil will pay a visit "I spoke the final part in a slightly irritated tone.

* Ding *

[Corruption (1%)]


Let's ignore this.

"Summon your wizards, and recruit that egocentric ahead of time; we no longer have to care about the timeline. Starting today, fate, time, and death are my bitches".

"Hahahaha, only you can speak those words and not suffer consequences, as expected from the creator's favorite angel" Yao laughed in an aged voice.

"What can I say? I was spoiled by my father. " I said jokingly.

"We both know that this is not true"

"Indeed" I laugh.

Yao opens a portal and disappears, while I fly towards the Stark tower.

"Jarvis, contact Nick Fury."

[Yes, Sir]

Questions arose in Tony's head, he didn't understand why Jarvis is so respectful of Lucifer.

Soon a screen appears and I look at Nick Fury.

"What's up, pirate."


I ignore what Nick Fury is going to say and say, "Contact your powerful friend, I need her help, and have a meeting with the SHIELD advisers; it's time for these old foxes to rest"

Would Nick Fury accept my orders? Of course not. "Hey Nick, have you ever told someone how you lost your right eye?"

I saw Nick Fury visibly tremble.

"I wonder if anyone knows that the powerful Nick Fury, director of SHIELD, pissed himself in the first war he participated in." I said in a low voice.

"... How much do you know?"


"You are dangerous..."

I wear a smile, "My pirate friend, I've been alive since the beginning of time; of course I'm dangerous, everyone in this room is dangerous. The only difference is that you can't control me. But I, my pirate friend ... I can control you, and I don't even need to leave this room for that to happen."

"So, are you going to do what I asked you to do, or do you want to discuss something useless?"

"The meeting will take place in 42 hours." Nick Fury responds.


* Ding *

[Upgradable relationship, Nick Fury -20, he considers you a threat]

Noice, I hope he doesn't do anything stupid, he can be replaced easily but I can't do anything with him because of Natasha. After all, she considers Nick Fury as a friend, but with time this can be changed.

Well, I have some demons that can control the mind. This is an easy thing to do, and Natasha will never know anything.

* Ding *

[Alignment updated]

I ignore that message, and look at the Avengers.

"The shit has just hit the fan, the boss of those monsters interfered in the battle. The monsters are stronger now, and we need allies"

I look at Thor: "Asgard?"

"My father will not ignore a threat that could destroy the seven kingdoms. Perhaps, he will move this time"


I look at Maze. "Call her"

"Are you sure?" Maze questions me.

"Yes, it's time to see my beautiful wife." For some reason, I felt a shiver down my spine.

"Don't regret that decision." Maze speaks, then she spreads her wings and flies towards somewhere.

"I won't ... Probably ..." I sigh.

I look at Hera's staff for a moment. I thought about going to see Hera, but soon I decided not to. First, I must deal with Lilith; one yandere at a time.

I start explaining to Bruce and the Avengers what we're going to deal with.


In the morning.

I was alone on the porch of the Stark tower, I looked at the sky. "Father, if I can't deal with these enemies, will you help me?"

Suddenly the clouds that were in the sky formed the word "Yes".

I start to laugh lightly, "Thank you, Father."

Lucifer's pride would never allow me to ask my father for help, but I am not Lucifer. If I cannot deal with the enemies, I will ask my father for help.

I feel that the owner of that black tentacle is much more dangerous than I initially thought.

I sigh, I need one more person; an entity to be more specific.

"Camael, I'll be gone for a while, I'll be back soon"

"Okay, My Lord." Camael spoke with a pout.

I laughed a little when I saw her face. When this is all over, I must spend time with her.

I close my eyes, and recall a memory from Lucifer, a memory from millions of years ago.

When I open my eyes, I realize that my environment has changed.

"Lucifer Morningstar." I hear a beautiful voice calling me.

Looking in the direction of the voice, I see a woman who is the definition of a Gothic beauty; pale skin, white hair, curvy body. No wonder Thanos is obsessed with her.

I smile and say, "Hello, Death."


Edited By: IsUnavailable

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