10 Savior

"Yes, it could be my friend. After breaking off her head. We played with her body. Hahaa rarely make love with body and head apart. It must be very delicious and funny. Hahahaa !!!" said another soldier.

"YOU BAST*RD !!! Shem and Abraham will not forgive you !!!" Shouted Adaline still in tears.

"Oooh ... Prince Shem is also involved in this hideout? Very shocking news. Good! Good! Those trusted people will be beheaded for betraying his Kingdom. We can have an extraordinary position for exposing a BREAK. Unmitigated. The most influential Prince and Commander-in-Chief. Surely our accusations will be multiplied apart from carrying your head too. " the bodyguard added.

After a series of attacks on him. Adaline is weak. She was just an unarmed woman, she was now cornered. She was helplessly caught by the two men. Her position is pressed against the wall with a sword that is ready to injure her neck. Her chest heaved and fell because of the shortness of breath accompanied by tears of great fear.

"Ziiiiiiiinggh !!!"

"JLUBH !!!"

"Aaaaaaaarghhhh !!!" Shouted Adaline who was aghast, shrieking her ears and then shutting her own mouth.

She saw Abraham standing right in the middle of the door. The position of the body was lowered and the arms that were still stretched after pushing and throwing the sword firmly penetrated the target's body from a distance of about four meters from him.

When the man who almost slit Adaline's throat glared and suddenly didn't move, he fell in front of him at once. You can see a long sword sticking from his back through his front stomach. Adaline is so scared. Luckily the sword didn't penetrate his stomach either. Remembering the position of the man who was attached to her body. Because wants to slit her throat.

"Abraham! Help me!" She shouted who was still in tears.

Abraham, whose face was cruel and full of revenge, wanted to slaughter anyone who dared to hurt the girl he was guarding. He pulled out the sword that had been embedded in the body of the collapsed bodyguard, so that fresh red blood poured onto the floor and flowed profusely. The man is dead! Before Adaline's eyes.

"Hyaaat !!!" The other bodyguard nimbly ran over to Abraham and launched an attack. Abraham was even more adept at parrying and his sword attacks, which turned red, were covered with the blood of the first victim.

He was very hungry and blindly aimed and pointed his sword at the other man. They attack each other and avoid each other. The two swords collided with each other unavoidably. Adjust the position and distance as best as possible so that the opponents cannot injure themselves respectively. Both have tactics in attack.

"Sring! Sring!"

"Teng! Teng!"

The sound of the two swords colliding with each other. The two of them were seen alternating rapidly advancing and retreating, jumping and running swiftly in order to incapacitate the opponent, but Adaline knew that the bodyguard was no match for Abraham. He's just an ordinary bodyguard. Not a warlord.


"Ough !!!" shouted the guard.

Abraham's sword managed to injure one of the man's shoulders and blood came out of it. He grimaced in pain and held the wound on his shoulder. The guard took a few steps back. Actually he was tired and felt defeated against Abraham, but he knew. Fight or give up. He will still be killed. Because he has known many secrets that only Abraham, Adaline and Shem know. And this is very dangerous for their lives if it is heard in the Sadrach kingdom.

Even though the bodyguard injured his shoulder. The man continued to fight back, fending with all his might Abraham's attacks. He was overwhelmed and actually felt scared.

He continued to fight with Abraham to play his sword to the death. The guard saw his difficult position. He didn't want to die but he couldn't escape. He tried to run away from the bloody room, but Abraham grabbed it swiftly. Chase after him and manage to position his sword against the man's neck while his elbows press against the man's chest, causing him to die of fleas.

"A ... A ... Abraham! Am ... am I, your friend? I am Sadrach's bodyguard! We are both ordered to find the head of Princess Serafin. Why are you protecting her and attacking us? !!" The man looked at Abraham with eyes full of hope that he would be forgiven himself and not kill him.

"I was ordered by the King to always obey Prince Shem's orders, not other than him," he replied firmly.

"But Prince Shem's orders violated the king's orders. This is Abraham's betrayal. Please don't kill me. We are the defenders of the Sadrach kingdom. Not the defenders of this Serafin Princess!" he added.

"I never forgive anyone who prevents me from carrying out orders properly. You have injured the Princess. I was ordered by Prince Shem to keep her safe! You have failed my duty! You must die too!" Abraham stared at the man as sharp as his sword.

And ...

"CROT !!!"

Abraham drew the sword to his opponent's stomach. The victim glared and pointed his finger at Abraham's face as if very angry but too late. His life was about to fly. he collapsed and breathed his last in a short time.

Adaline closed her eyes, she couldn't bear to see the two deaths in front of her eyes. Even though the two men earlier attacked him injured and wanted to get her head. She still could not bear to see the death of both of them. Adaline is soft hearted. Even though she had never seen the sadism of the war in front of her. Except for Serafin's tragedy. She was forced to be in it.

Abraham knelt in regret. He felt guilty because of his negligence in carrying out his guardian duties, he did not think that his desire to take a bath to clean himself would have to sacrifice his Princess condition. What if he arrives late? Of course Adaline might have had her head cut off and Prince Shem wouldn't forgive him.