37 Prince's Sadness

He really intended to bathe his lover who looked dirty and stained with the barbarity and depravity of those two brainless damn bast*rds.

Slowly he put it in the big bathtub, really he gently and lovingly, rubbed and splashed the body to wash away all the dirt and sweat for the past two days. He bathed her with heart and love. He was still crying while imagining it. How the beautiful body and beauty of his beloved Princess had been snatched away and enjoyed by lowly men. He will regret it for the rest of his life and will never be able to forget this.

Shem had no idea that on the battlefield he was known to be cruel and merciless to his opponents. Young or old will be slain with his hands. He is also known as a mysterious and quiet Prince. It turned out that he could burst into tears as well as witnessing the state of his future wife lying helplessly in her bathtub.

Shem is almost hard to open his heart to women, because from a young age until now, he only loves one woman, in fact she is his first love and survives until now, because of that ... every Prince is invited with the King to visit other Kingdoms, there wasn't much the King's Daughters could do. Although with real hopes of introducing and bringing Shem closer to the King's beautiful daughters. Shem wasn't the typical low-key Prince, so he had absolutely no intention of going near them.

If in an introduction or pleasantries with another Princess of the King, then he will firmly say that he already has a lover and immediately wants to marry her. Even now, he has no desire to find a replacement for Adaline. He only wanted Adaline. Nothing else at all. Even though she was lying in front of her right now in this bath, the girl was dirty because of those rotten men. Shem touched his own heart and asked his feelings, that he still loved this girl. Not a bit less sad.

The crime and abuse did not change the measure of his love for Adaline. He even felt like he wanted to be close and wanted to take care of her even more. Because this rape incident is also not purely Adaline's fault. Shem always locked her up. Even just walking around in another room of the palace, he didn't allow it. So it's only natural that after yesterday's death for the Kingdom mission, Adaline tried to get out for fresh air. He didn't blame Adaline. Because Shem also felt guilty. Because Adaline's beauty, which is not worthy of being a servant, she has to force, so that brainless men will be tempted and want to touch her.

"I'm sorry, honey! It's all my fault! It's not your fault. Those bast*rds think you're just a servant. That's why they carelessly vent their lecherous desires on you, it's my fault for being too careless in positioning you." Shem cried even more with a slashing voice in the corners and ends of the bathtub.

His head lowered and he leaned against the tub, close to Masyayel's head who was also leaning there. Over and over he thought. Now that girl is not a holy girl who only belongs to him, the girl has been entered by two other men besides her. What if she's pregnant? Whose child will it be? Shem was very depressed at the thought. How could a crown prince be born from the seed of a bast*rd? He was very afraid that Adaline was pregnant from the incident of her rape. Even though when she was with him many times, Adaline had never been pregnant with him, but Shem couldn't deny it either. He hasn't changed a bit. This girl he still loved and remained unchanged in his position in Prince Shem's heart.

Shem tried to wash her face which was filled with tears, it was enough that she was the only one who knew this weak attitude, and also Adaline, lest other people know. Because of the cry of a Crown Prince. Especially because love is a shameful thing! He had to keep it a secret in his heart.

After he washed his face. Shem immediately took off all her clothes too, thinking that she would join Adaline in the bath as well. He lifted the girl's body which was still weak and not yet awake. Then Shem lay down first and entered his tub to soak, then Masyayel's turn he laid on top of him. In his lap. He leaned Masyayel's head on his shoulder and hugged the girl tightly from behind. Shem really trembled, to feel the skin of the two of them touching, in the bath water which was fragrant with the natural fragrance of flowers and spices that Uncle Elliot had sprinkled earlier.

Shem also leaned his head against the end of the bathtub. He closed his eyes. He wanted to relax for a while alone with his lover who was sleeping in his stupor.

I will love you to death

I will be with you in your ups and downs

And if there is a second life after that, only you I still love.

Adaline ... You are the only occupant of the emptiness of my heart all this time.

Since I was young.

Only you...

No event will shake my love for you.

This is a knight's promise. Crown Prince Sadrach...

Prince Shem Theodorus,

In closing his eyes to relax with Adaline. Still a drop of water appeared from the Prince's eyelids. He couldn't stop his tears from falling again.

"No honey, I haven't touched you at all since I left. You can't get pregnant from the results of those bast*rds! There must be a way. Uncle Elliot's potion might be the solution. I don't want any dirty children left over from their ugliness born from your womb. Your womb is only mine. The place where my children will be. This negligence must be resolved so as not to cause problems in the future. I must stop it before it's too late." Shem was in a state of inner turmoil.