39 Revenge

"Just look, that coward you said was weak and commoner earlier? She's quite great and clever too, where is she hiding? Until now we haven't been able to find her. If she is found and then left alive, it will be very dangerous for Sadrach. What's more. If we know our family is beheaded, then the smoldering vengeance she will give us." Shem's father thought that way. Though not for Shem, in his small heart he deeply regrets his father's attitude.

"Adaline is not like that Father, she is very weak and can't do anything, she is helpless without me. You're wrong Dad," Shem muttered to herself.

Because he himself knows Adaline's daily life. And there was absolutely nothing in her mind for revenge. Even the girl still wants to be in love with his son, even though his father has killed all her family and destroyed her kingdom. Adaline couldn't hate Shem in the least. She loved Shem very much, did not take into account his father's sadistic behavior and left a tragic story to Serafin. Adaline thinks every day about how she survives and still loves Shem. How could she think of revenge? She has no power. The people and everything has been exhausted.

"Shem, my son. I will try to find the King's Daughter for you. There are many prettier and smarter than Princess Serafin. Look, she doesn't dare show up. It's possible that she has run away with another man who knows who and what degree. Hahaha," joked the King, his father.

"Hurry to remember yourself? Why think about those who have left you? Why give allegiance to someone who ran away. How could she dare to appear in front of you? Forget her. Tell me what kind of girl do you want? From which country?" said the King.

"Stop it Daddy! I don't like this discussion. Please don't bring this up again and I still don't want girls. Don't force me Daddy." Shem immediately turned and wanted to leave this debate room.

"My son, We only want your happiness, we only want the best for you, don't waste your life thinking about things that are not clear. Everything will hurt, honey. Believe in Mother. There is much better than her. You just haven't met with them." Mother stopped Shem and put her hand on her son's shoulder.

"Sorry Mom, I don't want to. Forget about this," Shem replied.

"Shem! Where are you going? We're not done yet." His father half shouted.

"My King, our son just needs time. Surely later it will also be able to slowly," coaxed the Queen.

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Shem walked quickly and carried a resentful heart. What should he do if he has to be forced into marriage? While his age will increase? How could he have hidden Adaline forever? And forever unmarried. What if he is forced to marry the King's daughter of his parents' choice like the stories of the previous Kings and Queens?

How can he convey that he only wants to marry Adaline. Not the others? A thousand questions continued to hang in his head, and had not found the answer at all. He walked and headed for his room again with unsteady steps. Perhaps the room had already been tidied up by some maids, based on his orders earlier.

"Prince! The princess has awakened." Uncle Elliot shouted for the Prince who was about to enter his room.

"Um, Uncle. I want to ask you. Adaline has been raped, you know. I'm afraid she's pregnant because of that incident. How to make sure she doesn't get pregnant from the rape tragedy, Uncle? That baby because I hate it. Remembering the lecherous behavior of those bast*rds!!! Therefore, don't let it happen Uncle. I'm afraid that she will be pregnant with someone else's child." Shem horrified at the memory.

"There is a special potion, my Lord. She has to drink it every day, until she really has her period to make sure that she is not pregnant. Only then will she be safe and there is no need to take the potion, my lord." Uncle explained and made Prince Shem feel very relieved.

"But it's only temporary, right, Uncle? Because one day I want a child from her, nothing will happen to the womb, Uncle?" Shem was still with his worries.

"Relax, my Lord. It's just a herbal concoction, there won't be any side effects later. She will still be fine," said Uncle Elliot.

"Then please make it now, Uncle. Don't forget to drink it to her every day. So that the thing I fear doesn't happen," Prince Shem ordered.

Hearing Uncle Elliot's explanation and solution, Shem finally breathed a sigh of relief. However Adaline is still in his heart. He didn't care even if the girl had been tainted by someone else. A smile spread across Shem's face. He ran and followed Uncle Elliot who led him into the secret chamber.

"Honey... Adaline, are you awake? I was really worried about you. How are you feeling now?" Prince as he approached the bed, where Adaline lay. He looked happy, but Adaline looked heavy and started to shed tears again.

"I'm in bad shape, Shem. Everything is broken and ruined. I am dirty and worthless!" her lament is sad.

"No, Honey. That's enough. Don't cry anymore. We will soon avenge their cruelty against you. I want to kill them with my own hands, but I'm afraid that if we come to the surface together, our secret will be exposed, and this will endanger you more. " Shem stroked Adaline's hair.

"I will assign Abraham to find the criminal, go with him to look for them. Then let them die tragically in front of you to atone for everything," continued Prince Shem.

"Shem, why am I wearing this dress? Aren't I forbidden to wear it? You... Aren't you disgusted with me? Say don't hesitate. What are you going to do to me after this? I want to hear it. You're honest." The girl was still sobbing at the thought of being abandoned by Shem.