49 Adverse Effect

The king didn't see the slightest movement from the outside. The king had been waiting for news of the secret mission all night. But so far there have been no signs of success.

The king was very frantic and burdened with a very heavy mind. What if the messenger failed to act? What if they had all been caught or had died? What if King Theophylus already knew everything. The king lowered his head and was engulfed in an extraordinary sadness.

He was so afraid if the failure was stalking him. Considering the Sadrach Kingdom is a large and victorious Kingdom above his Kingdom. Even King Sadrach had a very strong defense and a very wide area. So he and the Serafin Kingdom died. King Theophylus would not forgive him. Even the Serafin Kingdom would definitely be torn apart by Sadrach. Even the lives of him and his family will perish at the hands of Sadrach.

The king was very sad and full of dilemmas. The king started to think about how to avoid Sadrach's wrath after this, if this mission did fail? How to escape from the rampage of the Sadrach Kingdom? How to hide from King Theophylus who has a very large territory? It was impossible for him to run. Wherever he went he would definitely be caught by the reach of the Sadrach Kingdom.

It was late in the evening and there was no news of the success or failure of the theft mission. King Ignasius was already very gloomy. He was sure the mission was a failure. And all his messengers got punished. They might even have been killed. And they revealed that King Ignasius was behind the evil plan. The king immediately discussed with all the brains behind the crystal mission, but none of the heads were able to provide input. In fact, everyone is very sure that this mission is really a failure. They give solutions as losers. They invite to run away and leave the Kingdom which will soon be heavily attacked, of course by the Sadrach Kingdom.

Hearing this great rumour, the Serafin Kingdom became divided into two camps, the first camp fled following the weak-minded Kingdom officials, the other camp remained in place with the King Ignasius. The divided camp consisted of Palace officials, warlords, bodyguards and royal soldiers. Even the palace servants who heard it were also divided into two.

Because he was so afraid to die silly in Sadrach's attack any minute. Everyone rushed out of the Palace with a very large number of horses. To a place that was safe for them and very far from Sadrach's reach. The king just felt very sad. He felt very sorry for fueling his ambition and wanted to seize the crystal belonging to King Theophylus. And finally what was feared actually happened. He failed in the Crystal theft mission. And have to accept the consequences. He knew very well that he would surely die. Even the destruction of his Kingdom and all of his people will also be at stake.

The king was very frantic and he no longer had full strength. Because half of his kingdom had fled. It is also impossible for the King to escape and leave the people and the rest of the inhabitants of his Kingdom to face the wrath of King Sadrach later. Even though he was petty, King Ignasius was not a loser. The king came to the Queen of Librivia. He is very sorry and this fatal mistake will surely harm the Queen, his wife whom he loves so much. He wanted to apologize to his wife. Even King Serafin had no concubines to comfort him. Only the Queen of Librivia will always be in his heart. And the King felt very guilty for not listening to the Queen of Librivia who prevented him from committing the theft. And now the Queen and her children will suffer the consequences. Lives will be at stake.

"My Queen, my love Librivia. The state of the Kingdom will be in complete disarray after this. Due to my mistake and my stupidity of making a very fatal mistake, this is unforgivable and we and this great Kingdom will collapse overnight. Forgive me my dear." King Ignasius sat on the corner of the bed and clutched his head in pointless regret.

The queen was silent for a moment, she stared out of the window in her room. The queen was very sad to hear that.

"Our kingdom is quite large, my dear King. We will definitely fight against it," whispered the Queen strengthening.

"Our kingdom has been divided, my dear. Half of our members have fled for their safety. While only half of them chose to stay with me," said the King very sadly and full of sorrow.

The king who was a knight and a valiant and experienced man on the battlefield was terrified and trembling. What about a Queen Librivia? Queen is just a woman who has never had a war in her life. She only knew the Palace and important happy events. Not an arena of violence and scary atmosphere, but the Queen knows very well how the King is feeling at this time. The king had fallen into a deep abyss and was in pain, plus betrayed by many of his confidants and half of his soldiers.

"Could it be that we're running away? At least there's hope, my Queen?" asked the King.

"Then, will we take our innocent people, My Lord? They are innocent and they must face the cruel punishment of Sadrach alone? Meanwhile, it is the impact of our mistakes," said the Queen.

"Then it's just you and the children who go and run away. Hide as far as possible from this Serafin," sighed the King.

"I ... and the rest here, will face them to the best of my ability. To my last drop of blood." The king clenched his fists.

"I will always be by your side my King, no matter what happens and whatever you will do, I will support you, with me." Queen hugged her husband even with tears.