52 Do not leave me

"That's impossible, my dear. It's too dangerous to meet them or even your Prince. Never mind listening to you. I'm very sure that once he meets him, he will kill you with his hands because of the gravest mistake of Father. The king is also a human being who can shed tears if sad things happen to his loved ones. Plus a deep sense of regret because the situation was gripping later was due to his own carelessness. Which knight wouldn't cry if the lives of his loved ones were in danger of being killed!"

"Why did you do that to the Prince Kingdom, they have been very good to us. Even since Adaline was a child, Father. They are Father's partners all this time? Why is Father so evil that it destroys my life hopes and my love, Father... Why?! " Adaline's lament still couldn't accept this situation.


Early morning had greeted, after a late night the four of them were forced to sleep not as comfortable as usual, the place to live was not as beautiful as the palace, even the tense and fearful situation was not as happy as in the Kingdom. All of this was due to the fault of King Serafin, who had been overcome by greed for the crystal. The king was pretending to be asleep, but he really couldn't sleep and was trying not to sleep.

King Ignasius waited for his wife and childrens to sleep so that the king could leave them in this safe place, and the king with a heavy heart and sadness would soon return to the palace as a knight to admit and make amends. Whatever the risk. The king with a frantic heart and with a gaze full of love for his family members. Then very slowly the King left them all, step by step finally bringing him out of the cave.

"Farewell, my children ... my pride that I love. Goodbye my beloved, the Queen I love so much. I'm sorry I gave you trouble," whispered the King to his own heart.

"At least this is a hope for your safety and your new life. Father must be responsible for all of this, at least it is embedded in you. Father taught even though mistakes are fatal, even if your life is at stake. You can never be a coward. Face it! Face it to the point final blood!" The king immediately took one of his horses very carefully.

Then led the horse slowly to a place some distance away with the King still leading on foot. After the distance in question was deemed far enough, so that it was certain that there was no noisy sound of the horse's hooves and woke those who were sleeping in the cave earlier. So the king immediately mounted the horse.

"Daddy...." King Ignasius heard a low hissing voice from behind him.

"Daddy, Daddy where are you going?" The king turned to the source of the voice. It turned out that his daughter had been standing behind him, alone and on foot. Her eyes were watery and she looked very sad.

"You??!? Weren't you asleep, my dear?" The king couldn't help but stare at the beautiful and beloved daughter of his shed tears in the midst of the gloomy and dark night.

Only accompanied by the moonlight a few stars. The king immediately got off his horse and turned his body to his daughter, but they were only about a hundred and fifty meters away. Adaline tried to hold back the tightness in her chest but couldn't, her tears spilled and her voice began to sob. The father could not help but shed tears. King Ignasius spread his arms. In his heart, maybe this warm embrace will be the last time for his beloved princess. Maybe after tonight the two pairs of eyes, between father and daughter will never meet again. Somehow the King was very sure his life would soon be floating. The premonition probed into his mind.

Adaline who saw her father spread his arms immediately ran as fast as she could. She rammed her body into her father's body. Adaline hugged her father tightly and King Ignasius hugged his daughter tightly both of them are immersed in the everlasting love of a father for his daughter. Under the moonlight that radiates and absorbs into the heart of the earth. The stars in the sky seemed to be flickering along with their sympathy and compassion for the two figures on earth.

Between heaven and earth there is no distance in capturing the attention of two people who love each other as a father and a daughter. The king sobbed and couldn't hold it in anymore. Great regret has long lingered in the recesses of the heart. Adaline, her beloved daughter, is still not willing to let her father go.

She tightened her grip even more as she continued to sob. The horse standing behind the King stared and was only confused by the two. Just stare without knowing what it means.

"Don't go, Daddy! Don't leave us all, Daddy must stay with us. Please don't leave me Daddy!!!" Adaline squealed slightly higher for fear of losing her father.

"A knight will only admit his guilt even if it costs him his life, dear. Please ... I did it and I have to take the risk." Father shook his head vigorously.

"If you want to be called a knight, don't we want to be called a knight too? Make us all your knights. We will return to Serafin Palace together and we will face it together, Daddy! If you are not afraid of death! As long as we are together, Adaline isn't afraid to die either." This gentle princess is also brave. The king was very proud to hear that.

"I'm sorry, honey. I'm too afraid of losing you and afraid to see your lives wasted." The father's tears looked down in shame to see his wrong face to this brave daughter.