54 Sadrach's Situation

They for the first time live life without their father by their side. They will try to survive and try to protect themselves without the King by their side. It's really hard, but what can her say? They have no other choice in life. The King had decided to exile them from Serafin's territory, and the King chose to go alone to face it all later. The Queen could only sigh and accept this fate. This may have been a fate they had to live and they accepted gracefully. This is all God's will and everything must be done well. They only have a hope that the King's mistakes can still be forgiven and everything will return to normal.

While in Sadrach Land, Sadrach's situation is ...

King Ignasius had arrived in his Kingdom again, although he was sad, but the King was more relieved because he had evacuated his beloved family away from his reach, so that he would not be the target of punishment if such a frightening thing were to happen.

The king led the remaining troops, the king told all that there might be a large-scale attack on his kingdom, the king announced this very moment to all the people and their ranks, but not an open announcement, only word of mouth so that this news reached the ears all his troops were kind to his warlords to his ordinary people, but did not cause chaos. So that they are prepared and try to prepare themselves to face all possibilities and attacks from the opposing side.

While in the Sadrach Kingdom in two days there was a massive torture of the five suspects for the theft of Serafin's shipment, the King and members of the palace were very shocked and surprised to hear one of them confessed that they were all a team of thieves sent by the Serafin Kingdom with the task of stole xavier's red crystal. King Serafin wanted it very much. That's what he said to King Theophylus. King Sadrach was so furious that he hit the table and the table could be smashed in two. How he didn't think. For almost decades, the Sadrach Kingdom and the Serafin Kingdom were on good terms and cooperated with each other in many ways.

King Sadrach felt that he was very, very well in his relationship with them, to the point that he wanted to give his only favorite Crown Prince to marry the Princess of Serafin. How Sadrach really entrusted the future of his Kingdom, himself and his son to Serafin, but the Serafin Kingdom betrayed him so heartily. Betrayed the selfless kindness Sadrach gave to Serafin all this time.

"Cursed you Ignasius!!! I myself will drag you to this Palace in disgrace to account for all your shameful and failed betrayals!!!" cursed King Theophylus Theodorus with his face burning with anger.

"Fortunately God is on our side, my husband. It's only a matter of months our children will be married, and God dismantled all of this before it happened," said Queen Eloise.

"Shem should know all this right away, my dear King, he has loved Princess Serafin very much since she was young. I fear it will take a toll on her mentality if I tell her too suddenly."

The Queen knows her son's feelings very well because almost every time her son always hums Adaline's name in his story to the Queen, his mother.

"I will send someone to go to Vildavec Country right now. In order for Shem to return quickly, he must know that his future in-laws are rotten and a traitor. He must leave his future wife! Surely as bad as his parents," replied the King.

"That's right my husband, there are many princesses from other kingdoms who are prettier than her and definitely more respected than a small kingdom that doesn't mean anything like Serafin," continued the Queen.

Without thinking and with the hope that his only son will soon know what happened to his Kingdom, the King at this time also ordered the envoy and several soldiers to go to Vildavec Country, the Land where Prince Shem and the soldiers were also conquering the region and fighting there, because the country is not too big, then King Theophylus handed over the task to his son and Abraham alone without him.

The king hoped that Shem would return home soon and delay Sadrach's destination there to expand his territory. If Shem returns, then the King will invite him to discuss and make an attack on Serafin. The kingdom that should be the family and the king will be his mother-in-law. King Sadrach actually was itching to burn his rival Kingdom right now because he was so angry, but Queen Eloise prevented him because the Queen's advice was to wait for his son.

The Queen was very afraid that if suddenly Sadrach made a great attack on Serafin, all the core members of the Palace were killed, it would hurt her son because he did something fatal and big without his knowledge, however matters of the heart are also there. His son was in love with Princess Adaline, the Princess Serafin. Not even anything, Prince Shem swore to his mother many times that he would marry Adaline without thinking about a concubine for the rest of his life, even though everyone already knew and it became natural that the Prince of a kingdom who had lost his father's throne and became King had a wife and several concubine, like her husband.

Despite knowing that King Theophylus said he loved Queen Eloise very much, in fact he had three concubines who took turns getting the King's love. What can Queen Eloise do? Just holding back his jealousy and heartache. And it is impossible for her to fight or forbid the King. Moreover, it was found that she as a woman could not serve the King at all times and all the time. While menstruating, the Queen can for two weeks complete the period.