56 Towards Single War

"What fatal event was that, my lord?" asked Abraham.

"The savage king Ignasius, the Serafin Kingdom has betrayed my father. The wisest and best King the King treats the Serafin Kingdom!" said Shem rising as he walked over to sort out what needed to be done.

"The Serafin Kingdom? King Ignasius?!! Isn't he the father of your future wife? Princess Adaline's Kingdom? Your Majesty?!" continued Abraham, frowning.

"That's what made me have to intervene and if necessary, if it is proven that Serafin is a rotten Kingdom! I myself will cut off Adaline's head. As a punishment for the cruelty of her Kingdom's behavior." The prince was really angry from his expression and manner of speaking.

Abraham was silent and looked surprised by the Prince's words. Even though Adaline has always been a beautiful princess who has always been adored by her prince since she was young.

Prince Shem Theodorus together with Abraham and his entourage decided to immediately return from their present colony to his Kingdom, the Kingdom of Sadrach. Filled with a roar of revenge and a thundering heartache clinging to his chest. Every step of the horseshoe that was galloping carried a thousand question marks in him, why did Adaline have the heart to betray his love which had grown to bloom and be beautiful throughout time Aren't they getting married soon? Doesn't Adaline really love himself? If he is far from Adaline.

Then Adaline will cry endlessly waiting for his arrival? What is it that makes Adaline kill her love and do bad to his Kingdom as well as himself. Really Shem did not find the answer. So he had to meet with Adaline to find out how it all happened.

After arriving at his house. Sadrach Palace, Prince Shem and his entourage were greeted with joy by the King. Now the King will soon be able to carry out his intention to fight and fight with Serafin with his son. Everything had indeed been prepared by the King because he really wanted to immediately attack the Kingdom which for him was a Kingdom that did not know itself.

All of them, the Sadrach Army led by the King and Prince Shem departed for the Serafin Kingdom in flocks. They are armed with complete war equipment, ranging from swords, boomers, arrows, iron chains, shields, and so on. All set off in a neat line up in great numbers and stamping the sound of the foot troops of the pedestrians, echoing the sound of galloping horses galloping at once and preparing to charge towards a destination.

As time went on, the distance decreased and became closer, the distance to the Serafin Kingdom. The crowd of Sadrach's troops, led by King Theophylus himself as his warlord and ready to spill the blood of his opponent.

For him this war is not an atrocity because this war is based on giving punishment to the traitors of the kingdom who have been given much kindness and trust. Instead, he stabbed him in the back and without realizing it, the King wanted to destroy his Kingdom, the Sadrach Kingdom.

Step by step hatred and love were raging in the chest of the Prince. On the way there, he must be able to kill his feelings of love for Princess Serafin before they all get there. Prince Shem tried to wipe away his tears. Indeed, since arriving at Sadrach Palace, Prince already felt that his tears would not spill. Only the beginning of hearing the news that made the Prince shocked and had a tantrum accompanied by tears. How hard it was for him to forget Adaline, but he had to kill his love before killing and spilling the blood of Serafin's troops. Or even have to kill Adaline as a result of the girl's own actions that have hurt her and her kingdom. He must be brave and ready to see the death of many lives in front of his eyes. Even Adaline's death was before her own eyes.

Arriving at the Serafin Kingdom. King Theophylus showed a ruthless face because he was filled with extraordinary hatred for King Ignasius. He gallantly got off the horse. Walking alone, he stepped closer to Serafin's palace.

"IGNASIUUUUUSSS!!!" shouted King Theophilus.

"IGNASIUS, COWARD! GET OUT!!!" continued King Sadrach.

King Theophylus shouted fiercely, the murderous blood in him had flowed so fast that it was boiling in his veins. He didn't want to take any more time. Wants to immediately meet King Ignasius, the King who has been his trusted partner all this time, but now becomes his rival and becomes his mortal enemy.

It appears that on the balcony, King Ignasius appeared and looked down. It was seen by his eyes that King Theophylus was filled with vengeance and anger. King Ignasius was attacked by grief, how he saw Serafin's vast territory had been covered by a full army of Sadrach's troops and soldiers who were ready to attack his kingdom which was now collapsing, some of his great commanders and trained soldiers had fled, leaving him alone. Accompanied only by some who are still loyal to him and the Serafin Kingdom.

"We are all going to die today, my commander-in-chief. After all, you are extraordinary, under very bad circumstances

already on the edge like this, you are still loyal to me. A king who is already weak and a loser like me." King Ignasius spoke to his commanders who stood on his right one and on his left.

"No matter what happens, we are still Serafin soldiers, my Lord. Let us continue to fight with my Lord, until our last drop of blood," said one of the trusted commanders of King Ignasius.

"IGNASIUSSS!!! GET OUT OF THERE COWARD!!! FACE ME!!!" Prince Shem's father ordered.

King Sadrach who was standing at the very front was wielding his sword and was ready for a one-on-one battle with him.

"I WANT TO CUT YOUR NECK ONLY!!! YOU TRAINER!!!" he snapped again. While pointing with his middle finger.