81 Situation after

After a fierce event and a very thrilling battle witnessed by Jessie's own eyes and her three-year-old son directly, made her chest tremble, making blood boil. A very stressful situation like this is usually only broadcast on television, not in front of her eyes directly like this. jessie and her son were very frightened, but luckily Shem had arrived in time and he bravely fought them all, even though he was alone and there were four of them, not to mention the ones at the bottom.

The other herd may still be searching and looking for another room, namely the herd that one of his friends had called when the situation was desperate.

Shem managed to paralyze the four people and sure enough there was a sound of running with heavy steps coming, two more people appeared about to enter the room where Shem and Jessie and her child were. The two additional robbers cursed and said harshly to Shem but Shem was not afraid.