138 Night with the King2

The King's deep bass and deep voice drew closer to Adaline, followed by the touch of a big and strong hand on Adaline's shoulder.

"I'm sorry I have to force you, I've really fallen in love with you and you turned all my world. I never get rejected. What I wanted I always got since childhood. We spent our wedding night, honey. You will definitely be happy with me. All my previous wives were like this in the beginning, but after that, they never wanted to leave this happy thing in the palace. Trust me. Get rid of your sadness and fear." The king started stroking Adaline's arms, whose position was still sitting on the bed and her back to the king.

The king also spoke from behind Adaline, not directly in front of Adaline.

"I can't say anything, Lord King. After all I'm already your prisoner. My words will no longer mean anything to you, sire and it won't be possible to answer either. So it would be useless for me to speak out." said Adaline.