154 New Way

After carefully planning how to take Adaline away, Shem prepared to carry out the plan. With maturity and hope without any mistakes. Previously Shem sent a letter or notification to Adaline in advance to get ready to go and get out of this palace. Through her mother who was willing to help with this plan, Adaline received the letter quietly and she read it with joy.

The happy securities were received directly by Adaline after the queen came to her and told the doormen of Adaline's room. That she want to convey something between women and that all married women must know, especially what she want to convey is an important thing about women. So the guards let the queen Eloise in and it turns out that in the room the queen gave a letter from Shem. It also happened that the queen did not know the contents of the letter, because she also did not know that Masyayel was the lover of her son.