158 an Obstacle

Shem apparently forgot to close the bedroom door so that the slightly open door could be peeked at by other people, in this case Jessie. Jessie with her feelings still uncertain and can't be lied to was carried away by her mood-p. He then stood up, hid and peeked behind the door because of the curiosity that clung to his heart. He wanted to know what Shem, the man he had admired, was doing with his girlfriend.

There, Shem was seen kissing Adaline's forehead, then began to kiss all parts of the sleeping woman's face so that she occasionally showed movement but was still asleep. Jessie couldn't hold back tears, how she saw a sincerity that she never got from the person she once loved, namely the father of her child. Yet the man was absolutely nothing compared to Shem who had extraordinary advantages and clearly had everything, he was a prince. Why would someone so tall huh show no arrogance and arrogance at all? Meanwhile, today's men.