Chapter 1 Crimson

LBF Chapter 1 Crimson

The void, dark, cold and dangerous. The universe is almost infinite, but almost all of it is composed of the void. The void continues to expand with the stretching of the spacetime fabric. Spacetime expands at a speed far far faster than the speed of light.

In this universe, some people see the void as empty and useless. The true experts though, see beyond it. After learning about the true nature of the void, they call it the particle ocean, or dark matter ocean.

In this dark, silent and cold void, a floating river was gushing through, racing to a place, unknown. It was red, every drop, crimson, as if it was blood. The river was five kilometers in width, and its length far surpassed 10,000km! This was something that shouldn't exist in the normal universe!

On top of the gushing river, there was something humanoid, a man.

He was seating on a blood red chair, which was floating on top and he was staring ahead to where it was gushing towards.

He was brown skinned, tall, and his red gems for pupils were currently coldly staring in front of the river. His face wasn't showing any emotion.

He was clad in a red shirt, underneath a crimson colored suit and his legs were covered in crimson pants. The way he was dressed made it seem as if he was going to some event, but it created a dissonant scene, coupled with the background being in the void.

His left leg was crossed over his right, his collar, unbuttoned, giving a wild and unrestrained image.

He had crimson long hair, which cascaded down his back, directly sinking into the red river. This place wasn't supposed to have any light capable of reaching it, but the river appeared to be glowing crimson, lighting up the surrounding space in a sanguine hue.


His mouth emitted a sound. His cheeks were bulging, crushing sounds were constantly heard as his jaw moved. He appeared to be munching on something and the identity of that something was some sort of blood red nuts in his right hand. When his adam's apple moved, as an indication of swallowing, more would be tossed into the mouth in an instant, to face the fate of the previous ones.

At some point, after a seemingly long time, the river came to a stop and all the red liquid collected itself into a massive blood red sphere with the chair still on top. The man didn't say anything after that, he simply waited.

A few seconds passed, before the space infront of him distorted and, a black cube, not inferior in size to the blood sphere appeared right in front.

It rivalled a planet in size and its surface absorbed all light that fell on it. Its edges though, were a different matter. They were cascading with green light.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" A wave was released in the void from the cube and caused vibrations in the dark matter. The vibrations were translated as sound when they entered the red eyed man's ears.


The last of the nuts in his hand were thrown into his mouth and crushing sounds came from inside his mouth. The sound travelled far into the void, which wasn't a suitable place for sound to travel, a surprising thing.

A few seconds passed after which he swallowed.

"51 years, 6 months, 8 hours, 23 minutes and 56 seconds." He opened his mouth, and such words came out. His voice was so cold that it could chill someone's bones.

"What are you talking about?" The ripples once again appeared in the dark matter ocean. The voice from the cube appeared to be male. Puzzlement could be felt from its tone.

"That's the amount of time I have spent on this damn edge of the galaxy, tracking you down." The man answered, still calmly seating on his red chair. The red sphere rivalled a small planet in size, so he appeared minuscule.

"The age of chaos has long passed! Why are you still plundering helpless planets? Is it fun? Or, are you, a demigod, so incapable that you can't find another trade to take on?" The man's calm voice reverberated in the void.

"A hunter, has been a long time since one has ever been sent after me. Chaos lives everywhere. I love it. How can a mere newly born god, from a low level planet, change the status quo with just his words? This milky way galaxy thrived during the chaotic age, why does he...a merely lucky brat...have to change it?" The voice from the cube reverberated in the void, stirring up storms. Thankfully, no solar systems were nearby.

"You do know, that in front of me, that cube, is as weak as a piece of paper, right?" The red eyed man didn't care about someone else's dissatisfaction. Ripples appeared in the previously calm surface of the red sphere upon finishing that question.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! I have brethren inside here! I don't want them to die!" The voice was filled with panic at this time.

"They are all pirates, right? Even if there are innocents, you aren't naive enough to think that I, the blood progenitor, would choose to spare them?" The red eyed man, had his eyes light up and release such intense light that, the dark matter was pushed away wherever the gaze passed. His sharp gaze alone would have caused the death of lower lifeforms.

"Blood progenitor... What an arrogant title!...wait! Are you that...blood butcher I have been hearing about?" The voice started out imposing, only for fear and alarm to creep in at the last question.

"Blood butcher...that's a really unsavory name. Tell me...who spread such a name? It would be even better if you know where they are getting accommodation." The man stood up from his chair. His voice was still the calm, cold, magnetic one, with a hint of charm.

"You are the one!? How unlucky!" The gloomy voice exclaimed.

"This pointless talking is going nowhere..." The man muttered before snapping his fingers.

Droplets lesser than an inch in size split off from the sphere speeding towards the cube. They were so fast that, they rivalled the speed of light! Multiple holes were bored through the cube before the owner of the voice could even have any time to react! The droplets passed through the sphere, making their way out the back, and they appeared larger than before they went through. But they had also lost their crystalline red light from earlier and appeared more turbid.

"You!!!" The voice shouted and the entire sphere turned into little particles, vanishing in the void. Its disintegration had been caused by a ripple which had come out from inside!

"Now...this is going to be interesting!" A grin appeared on the red man's face upon seeing that. The entire sphere which had been beneath him had already vanished, only to be replaced by endless droplets of blood, like a domain, spreading count into the void.


In the beginning, there was nothing, and then an explosion of epic proportions rocked the void, producing gas, matter and high temperatures. It was called, the big bang by humanity's scientists. After the big bang, the universe expanded and humanity was born. Many races too, were born.

But, at the point where the big bang had happened, after zillions of years, something, a breach, in spacetime appeared! A ripple of unknown origin was released and it rewrote the universe's fundamental laws...