Chapter 8 History (2)

LBF Chapter 8 History (2)

The survivors of that nightmare found out that an additional colored string had appeared inside their bodies. It passed through the organs as if there was no obstruction and it could even be moved to the outside of the body.

It was like a limb, easy to manipulate, as if they had been born with it.

Each string was composed of one of seven colors, white, black, red, light green, brown, blue and dark green. They corresponded to seven elements, light, darkness, fire, wind, earth, water and wood.


Fast forward to year, 7423. (The passage of time is being calculated in Earth time)

Grasping in the darkness for many years, the races in the galaxy managed to find out the usage of the strings and how to evolve onto a higher level.

Mines containing previously unknown resources were also discovered. The mines also contained crystals corresponding to the seven elements and in their deepest reaches, they even gave birth to elemental strings.

The strings found in the mines could be merged with theirs to evolve into a higher being.

Once that was discovered, it led to a scramble, until, ultimately wars were waged.

It led to chaos, not to mention a discovery that parents could give birth to a child stronger than themselves. An example being that if the father had the light element and the mother, darkness and fire. They could give birth to a one elemental string life form, or even a two and three elemental string lifeform!

That discovery led to a scramble for male and female lifeforms by powerful beings, by then, the strongest were three elemental string beings, and they had been birthed. So far, none had managed to reach that level by merging strings.

Merging strings after the second elemental string depended luck.

Years continuously passed during that age of chaos, until something changed. A being traversed the void between galaxies and entered the milky way.

She was so powerful that the people of that time simply labelled her a god. After a few hundred years, she had made all the races in the galaxy submit to her, thereby putting an end to the chaos.

Near the supermassive black hole, she opened up a spatial dimension and built a city. She became its castellan and publicised ways through which the lifeforms could easily merge with the strings.

One of them was the use of a quantum computer by lifeforms below four strings.


Year, 9832, Earth time.

The first person to have succeeded in merging all the seven elemental strings emerged. He became arrogant, thinking that he had reached the same level as her, so he posed a challenge.

The result, killed instantly with his everything erased from the universe. He didn't even manage to put up any resistance.

"I am a God Queen, not a mere god." She arrogantly said before making her return into the spatial dimension.

People started speculating that she had come from a galaxy that had birthed the seven elements before theirs.


Year, 10,532, Earth time.

Many years had passed and more seven elemental string beings had appeared, numbering nine...the nine gods.

The era had been peaceful under the watchful eye of 'her'. No one knew her name.

This year, she made an announcement which shook the entire galaxy, she was leaving, heading back to her origin. She didn't even wait for that to sink in, leaving that same year.

At first, all lifeforms were obedient, thinking that she was somewhere observing, having laid a trap for some idiotic life form to bring chaos and then kill it.

But after a few centuries, she was forgotten and then, the nine gods came to a disagreement.

The disagreement stemmed from 'who is going to become the castellan of Pantheon city?'

They all thought that it hid the secret to reaching the same level as her, so all kept a watchful eye on the spatial gate, preventing each other from heading in. During her reign, others had steeped inside, even them, when they were still demigods, but that hadn't dared to head inside once they became gods as they feared what would happen.

No one know who lit the first spark, but a galactic war of unprecedented proportions started a few years later. No race, planet or organisation was spared! Everyone was swept up!


Year, 10,859, Earth-time.

The war had lasted for a bit over three centuries and all the lifeforms had even forgotten something like peace.

New born lifeforms faced war the moment they came into the world. Many had died, while a few had survived.

The center of the galaxy was where the flames burnt white hot, claiming many lives daily. Many powerful lifeforms had died, leaving many weaklings, cutting off legacies. Organisations had fallen, only to be forgotten in the river of time.

The nine original gods were still alive, with none able to reach their level in the past 300 years. The geniuses died before they could even have a shot.

The grieviences had accumulated to the point that it was no longer about just the ownership of Pantheon city.

Earth, the mother planet of humans had also at one point been swept up by the war.

But now, it was no longer that way. They were turtling up, hiding, so that they wouldn't have to be conscripted into the war.

The strongest person was a five elemental string being. She was skilled in illusory powers, so she had created a powerful illusion that showed that Earth had been destroyed thoroughly, becoming debre floating in orbit around the sun.

Unless a demigod arrived, no one else was capable of seeing through the illusion, even someone at the sane level as her. But all thoseighty demigods were surbodinates to the nine gods, so they were waging war at the center, none having time to come to the fringes.

The woman fell in love with a three elemental string man and she got pregnant afterwards. When the baby was born, a phenomenon appeared, so the woman hurriedly suppressed it with her powers.

She and her husband were overjoyed upon seeing that the child was born with seven strings, a god!

Good thing they lived in the remote mountains, so no one managed to see the phenomenon. So the boy's birth was kept a secret and when he grew up, his father personally trained him in the art of combat.


A six elemental lifeform. That is when a nascent form of divinity is developed and kept in the center of the life form. For humans, the heart. You are christened with the title of demigod, upon reaching this level. This is also the last level that allows you the use of the elements individually. A demigod has a lifespan nearing 100,000 years.