Chapter 12 Elemental Storm

LBF Chapter 12 Elemental Storm

A few days later, a red streak entered the sky from the top of the citylords palace. Lino, the only witness sighed as he stood on the roof. He knew that this would probably be the last time that they ever saw each other.

The streak took only a few minutes to make it outside the planet's atmosphere. And this was because it had been holding back. Its highest speed would probably create a hole within the atmosphere, damaging the planet.

It was Damien. He paused a bit and took one last look at the planet, then proceeded to fly around the giant burning ball of molten gases, the sun, in an arc.

He had kept his friend company during the last few days and met some of his outstanding descendants, people he might help in a far off unknown future. But ultimately, this wasn't his place or goal. He didn't want to be tied down.

Now, he was making his way towards Nearth.

In this galaxy, there was an organisation created by an alliance of the gods, God's Alliance. It was like a trade guild, or something like that. Its highest echelon were the gods themselves, and their descendants, the lower echelon.

God's Alliance was also the only organisation which openly sold the tickets to Pantheon city.

Damien's hunting of the ten demigod level lifeforms had also been related to it. It was a mission he undertook to gain a special ticket as the prize. It was a ticket permitting him lifetime entry into the city.

This was the only ticket that wasn't sold but had to be earned. The mission was the same everywhere, hunting ten demigods on the criminal list, whether alone or as a group, but the ticket was only for one.

God's Alliance had headquarters in Pantheon City itself and branches all over the Milky way galaxy. Though, the branches would only be on the artificial planets created by the God's themselves.

It wasn't a strategic placing...more like a display of arrogance from the descendants of the gods themselves.

They looked down on all those not descendants of the gods themselves, even demigods.

As he circled the sun, a planet appeared in his sight. It was of the same size as Earth, with minor discrepancies. But to Damien, this planet gave him the feeling of being more welcome that its sister at the other side, Earth.

Damien cursed under his breath when he caught sight of the clouds in the planet's atmosphere. It was an elemental storm, something terrifying, even to him.

"But this is the first time that I have observed one. Maybe I should descend into it." He mumbled. There were no records of a demigod having perished to the elemental storms of an element planet(artificial planet).

His blood seethed with excitement as he beheld it in his eyes. The storm was caused by wind and water elemental particles.

To his enhanced senses, he even caught sight of the lighting snakes swimming within the clouds.

There was no presence of any planetary technology, like satellites and space stations. The planet was bare. This wasn't because of a request from the creator, but because elemental particles were dangerous. Their concentrations here were so high that anything not birthed by the elements couldn't survive. And those things birthed by the elements were so precious to waste on such things.

The vague shadow of the moon entered his eyes as he increasingly got closer to the planet. It was now on the other side, away from the sun.

Damien took a deep breath upon arriving above the planet. He started making preparations. The solemnity in his gaze unmistakable.

He urged the nascent divinity resting in his heart and a blood sphere with an inner diameter of five meters enclosed him. It thickened and hardened. Its thickness reaching a meter.

Then, he sunk, his sphere entering within the scope of the planet's gravitational atmosphere. As the velocity increased, friction with the elemental particles in the atmosphere caused flames of a weird nature to encapsulate the sphere. Dark green, green, black, white, red, brown and blue flames. They were created by the various elemental particles in the air.

The temperature on the surface of the bubble increased to the point of almost rivalling that of the sun. Damien's evolved body started sweating out water elemental particles drenching his clothes.

The sphere's thickness shrank as the flames ate away at it, causing Damien to have no choice but release more of his nascent divinity to replenish it. So far his face was calm as this always happened.

Damien's face gained a trace of solemnity. He was about to plunge into the storm clouds, his red sphere burning in flames of a myriad colors.

The moment the sphere ventured the clouds, it was like hell on earth! The winds swept him away, and the rain drops battered the red sphere like machine gun bullets, not to mention the lighting snakes which played around and on the sphere.

Damien paled the moment he entered the clouds. This was the high altitude storm of Nearth. A monster men and women alike, feared to be caught in.

The sphere shattered on the outside upon being pelted with the drops of rain and Damien's consumption of nascent divinity shot up exponentially.

'This is more terrifying than fighting a demigod!' He thought. He had underestimated the storm.

As the weather elements played catch with his red sphere, something appeared within his vision causing his pupils to constrict, his face paling.

A gigantic rotating mass of clouds appeared in his gaze. It was churning so fast that its velocity was terrifying!

Damien hurriedly used up all of his power and pushed the sphere in the opposite direction, trying to outrun the monster.

Four and five elemental string lifeforms needed a custirm space shuttle to enter the atmosphere. Demigods only needed themselves. But all of these people would never dare to test their mettle against the elemental storm of element planets.


'I should never try that again!' Damien thought as his sphere reached the surface, above an emerald green lake.

The outer shell had cracks and lightning was constantly sparking in it. His face was pale, as if he had lost a huge amount of blood.

Ripples appeared on the emerald lake as the sphere stopped five meters from its surface.