
He didn't know what was the trigger. Usually he knew how to control his emotions but just those few words were enough to make him lose control. There was something about this girl. No matter how much he denied it, he still felt some kind of pull towards her. As soon as she said those words, anger laced in her voice, he held her hand and almost dragged her in his room.

Without any warning, he started kissing her. He would've stopped and asked for consent but feeling her kissing him back, he decided to continue his actions. Y/N's hands slowly moved to the back of his head as she deepened the kiss, clutching his hair in between her fingers. She felt his hands slide down to her back on her butt, as he grabbed her tight and moved hastily towards the bed.

Y/N fell on the bed and started undressing herself, her mind was a chaos. She decided to concentrate on the only thing that would distract her. Eunhyuk watched her opening her shirt and then her pants. His eyes filled with lust, raked all over her body. Watching the breasts that were bouncing from her hasty movements, he licked his lips and got undressed. Leaning over her body, he realized her eyes were up towards him - like she wanted to hold him. Why? Wasn't this just some meaningless sex?

He looked at her flushed face, her chest moving up and down due to heavy breathing. She slowly opened up her legs, making space for the man. Eunhyuk felt his cock harden.

Oh, he wanted to devour her.

Immediately, he leaned in and exhaled hot breath on her neck. A whimper came off from her mouth as he started kissing her neck softly, and then moved near her ear and started kissing furiously. Something came in his mind - something that has been bothering him for a while. He started biting and sucking on the area, making sure to leave his mark on her. He wasn't thinking of why he was doing it, but at the moment he was extremely pleased with the idea. Eunhyuk wanted her to walk out of this door and make sure everyone has seen these marks on her skin. Marks only he was going to make.

He moved down and focused on her breasts. Looking up, he observed her expressions and was pleased to find her sighing out of pleasure. His hands moved down to her pussy as he felt the wetness all around her private. She touched his chest and slid her arm towards his right hand, pulling it to her right breast and squeezing it. He didn't want to hurry but...fuck, she was making it hard.

He dived in and concentrated on kissing her breasts before his mouth went towards her nipples. A light gasp escaped her mouth as he began using his tongue lathering her nipple with spit, teeth tugging onto it before engulfing it in his mouth. Eunhyuk felt her rubbing her pussy on his hardened cock as they rocked back and forth, groans of pleasure filled the air. His fingers found her throbbing clit, and started pinching it moving his finger around with expertise. Slowly he put two fingers in her pussy, when he heard a loud moan of pleasure coming out of her mouth. Pushing another finger in her, he pleasured her continuously while his thumb focused on abusing her clit. Y/N put her hand over her mouth, unable to control the embarrassing sounds coming out of her mouth.

Eunhyuk usually wouldn't bother if his partner didn't want anyone to hear. But something snapped in him and he pulled his fingers out and positioned his dick near the entrance. He looked up at her face. She had beads of tears on the corner of her eyes.

"Please," she whimpered. And that was all that he needed to hear. He pushed his cock inside of her, feeling the warmth of her pussy around his shaft. He pulled off her hands covering her mouth and locked it above her head, and started thrusting. It started slow and strong, but slowly he paced it up. Y/N was a moaning mess, her hair sticking on her forehead, breasts bouncing with their movements and blush covering her face. The sight of her completely giving into him, riled him up as he started thrusting in an animalistic pace.

He wanted to hear his name.

Pulling her up, he made her sit on his lap and continued pounding her furiously. The new position made his cock reach deeper, hitting her g-spot over and over, making her scream. Groaning and grunting in pleasure, he started biting her neck feeling her nails digging his skin. Her hands gripped onto his shoulders tightly, as she screamed, "W-wait, Eunhyuk!"

A smirk covered his face. Oh he wasn't done.

"Scream my name," he whispered in his husky voice, "Didn't you want my cock in your pussy so bad?"

Y/N struggled to form sentences and moaned, "H-hold on, I'm cumming...wait, s-slow down!" Eunhyuk felt her getting tighter around his cock, and grunted keeping up the animalistic pace and felt himself getting close, as she chanted his name. Feeling the gush of cum covering his dick, he pulled her up towards himself and grabbed her tightly, stopping his movements and coated her insides with his seed.

Panting, both flopped down on the bed. Both kept breathing loudly in silence, processing their actions slowly, for a long time. Y/N dropped off to sleep later as the man beside her stared at the ceiling. Getting up, he looked at her exhausted figure and marks littered around her neck. And then his eyes, went down. He knew he fucked up.

They didn't use a condom.


When Y/N woke up, she realized she wasn't in her room. Her face slowly turned a shade of red recalling the memories of what they did before she dropped off to sleep. She looked at the light bedsheet covering her legs, and proceeded to get up. Her eyes went down on her shirt - oh wait...Eunhyuk's shirt. She looked at her bare legs and searched for her clothes, which she found neatly kept on a chair.

As soon as she got out of the room wearing her outfit, she kept her head down and walked towards her own room. God knows how many residents heard them...doing it. She felt embarrassed. But soon got stopped as she heard someone calling her name.

Looking at her right, she observed Eunhyuk walking towards her. His eyes racked over her figure, and he pulled her in. "W-What?" she asked, in a small voice. The blush on her face made Eunhyuk chuckle.

"....Are you okay?" he asked clearing his throat.

"Yeah...I um, I'm fine."

"I'll tell Hyunsu to bring the pills, don't worry."


Eunhyuk brushed his hair and looked to his right muttering, "I didn't use condom. I wasn't...thinking properly, sorry."

"Both of us were not in our right mind. We are frustrated for being trapped down here.'s not your fault. Both of us wanted this...I guess," Y/N said, her heart thumping on her chest as she realized something. She wanted him but he probably didn't. She didn't even regret it, but that might not be the case for Eunhyuk.

"....And I guess you weren't on birth-control pills," he said.

"Well I didn't exactly plan to have sex," she muttered.

"Not even with me?"

Y/N's eyes shot up and realized how his eyes were fixed on her. "Ugh stop teasing me," she chuckled and pushed his shoulder. Walking towards the screens on the walls she sat down on a chair nearby, looking for Hyunsu. He was still going around.

Eunhyuk silently took a seat beside her and watched his movements. Y/N had a blush on her face. He cleaned her up didn't he? If he didn't use condom and she fell asleep, then he..

Shaking her head she looked at him and found him staring at her. No wait, at her chest. Both of their minds were still running through the deeds all over again.

But they were pulled out of their thoughts when they heard a knock on the door. Y/N cleared her throat and opened the door for the person outside. It was Dusik. "Is everything alright? Hyunsu should be down here by now," he asked.

Y/N smiled politely and answered, "Yes, he's still-"

"No," Eunhyuk's voice came through interrupting her. She looked back at him and found him staring at one of the screens intensely. Walking up to him, she observed the screen and saw it. Oh it was bad.

It was really bad.

Hyunsu was captured.