The World of the Minor Character

The abnormal behavior of Vibert also attracted the attention of the workshop management. No matter how big the machinery plant with several thousand employees, a slight problem is expected.

The managers have a lot of experience in this kind of case, and during the lunch break, Vibert's supervisor, Supor Ivanov, came over to talk to him.

"Vibert are you not feeling well today at all? Or have you been too tired lately and not rested well?" Supor asked tentatively.

Faced with the supervisor's questions, Vibert knew he was in trouble, and if he couldn't explain himself clearly, he would probably have to be taken a break! He wanted to take a break, but he gave up decisively when he thought of the income. He said: "No! No! Mr. Supor, do I look sick to you?"

After thinking about it, Supor said, "Why don't we do this? You should not go to work this afternoon, the factory has invited a doctor at the clinic, you go over to see it first!"

When he heard the supervisor say that he would see a doctor, he was so scared that Vibert waved his hands and said, "No, no! Mr. Supor, I'm really fine!!!"

At the end of the 19th century, medical treatment in Europe was really described as "expensive", "very expensive", " extremely expensive", "extraordinarily expensive"...

One can say that doctors are exclusive to the rich, and ordinary people are avoided. Despite the good income of the machine plant, ordinary workers cannot afford the huge medical expenses.

There was a limited industrial level in the 19th century, the high cost of Western medicine to produce, and it was a vendor's war. After Ferdinand traverse, the idea of making drugs is not without a problem, but he is not a student of medicine. There is no way to improve the process. The cost still can not come down.

Not to mention the 19th century, even in the 21st century, where many people, the general public, is not still hesitant to hospitals? No matter how big or small the disease, the cost of the trouble adds up and can easily consume a month's salary. It is still not a major problem. If there really is a major disease, an average family will immediately face economic struggle.

Of course, Supor knew about this situation and explained with a smile, "Don't worry! The ones who came this time are only interns from the medical university, mainly to gain experience, and the diagnosis is free!"

When he heard that it was free, Vibert's anxious heart calmed down, nodded, and went with the supervisor. After living most of his life, he had never seen a proper doctor. At most, he had only been exposed to the countryside's local practitioners, and he also wanted to meet them, even though they were only interns.

But when they arrived at the place, they found that there were long lines of people from the medical room to the outside corridor. With the situation inside, Vibert is not sure. He looked at the pairs of people outside who were only increasing and not decreasing. He knew that he would not get his turn this afternoon.

After thinking about it, Wibert decided to tell the supervisor to forget it. He was not sick anyway, so he didn't need to waste time, so he said, "Mr. Supor, you see so many people, and I'm not sick, so I don't need to give other doctors any more trouble?"

Supor looked at the flow of people and said with doubt: "You really have no problem? You know it's a good chance now, it's organized by the factory, if you are sick, hurry up and cure, the cost will be much lower than outside! The big deal is to wait in line a little longer, not today, tomorrow again?"

Looking at the warm-hearted Supor, Vibert was on the verge of tears and said with difficulty, "I'm really not sick! It's mainly because last night, my wife and I talked about the national debt, and today I'm going to find someone to inquire about it, so I was a little distracted in the morning!"

Supor asked, "Really?"

Vibert said with great certainty, "It's true!"

Supor thought for a moment and said, "Okay then! You write a 500-word report and give it to me, and this matter will be over! Remember, the review must be impressive!"

When he heard the need to write a report, Vibert's face instantly went down, could not help but own a slap. If only he had known to do so, how couldn't he say that! He asked with a bitter smile: "Ah! Can I not report it?"

Supor glared and said, "What do you say?"

"Do I need to remind you of the factory's rules?"

"Also, how about the usual literacy education you have skipped? It is clearly stated in this newspaper, it won't read it yourself, do you still need to inquire?"

Hearing Supor's words, Vibert was startled and said, "It's all in the newspaper?"

When he heard Vibert's words, Supor was not happy and criticized, "We usually teach you to read more and read more newspapers! Those who don't take it seriously each and every one of them, Vibert is out of touch now!"

When he heard Supor's words, Vibert was embarrassed and wanted to find a hole in the ground. The factory has a special reading room for newspapers and books, and the management often asks people to read more books and newspapers (mainly to facilitate brainwashing).

However, like many ordinary workers, Vibert did not feel that reading books and newspapers related to themselves and those who are management should read. The ordinary people who can know a few big words are enough.

The books and newspapers in the reading room became exclusive to the management, even if the workers once in a while went in to take a look, but they were also rare. So even if the national debt has been rumored, Vibert still did not know that the newspaper had been published in detail!

Knowing that writing a report had become a final decision, Vibert did not dare to discuss it with the supervisor. After all, it is his own loss. He rushed back to continue to work. He did not want to be deducted from his salary!

Probably with his mind already relieved, Vibert's afternoon went very well, and there was never another mistake.

In a good mood, Vibert, who did not choose to continue working overtime today, walked into the reading room with his employee card as soon as he got off work, which was the first time he came over on his own initiative. He borrowed the last few days' newspapers about the national debt and brought them directly home.

Thanks to Ferdinand's mandatory literacy education, Vibert has now also learned the common words and can barely manage to read newspapers freely.

Vibert began to study word by word at home, afraid to miss any word. It took more than two hours to finish reading the content about the national debt.

Although Vibert's level is limited, the newspaper's content is awe-inspiring, and he can only understand a general meaning. Vibert also decided that he had to buy national bonds as support for national construction.

Anyway, the Royal Bank and United Bank promised to protect the fund, even if one could exchange the money at once in a hurry. The big deal is no interest, so it is similar to the deposit of money in the bank. There is no interest in early withdrawal.

Royal Bank is the king, and the United Bank is said to be the joint creation of domestic industry and commerce. They heard that the machine plant in which they work also has its shares, they are not bad with money, the reputation is reliable!

After making up his mind, Vibert was ready to wait for his wife's return to discuss the specific purchase, which is cost-effective.